
How much are old duck stamps worth?

How much are old duck stamps worth?

While many other products have dramatically increased in price, the duck stamp has stagnated at $15. Just to cover increases in the consumer price index—a commonly used measure of inflation—a federal duck stamp would now have to cost about $23.

What is the most valuable duck stamp?

The very first Duck Stamp ever sold, worth $1 in 1934, was recently purchased by a Tennessee collector for an undisclosed six figure amount, reportedly the highest price ever paid for a Federal Duck Stamp.

Where can I sell my duck stamps?

Duck stamps are sold at post offices nationwide and at many NWRs and sporting goods stores.

How much does duck stamp cost?

The winning 2019 Federal Duck Stamp art, an acrylic painting of a black-bellied whistling-duck pair by Alabama artist Eddie LeRoy. MEMPHIS, Tennessee – June 22, 2020 – The new 2020-2021 federal duck stamp goes on sale Friday, June 26. The stamps, which cost $25, are valid from July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021.

Are Duck Stamps collectible?

Any person who purchases a California Duck Validation and/or Upland Game Bird Validation is entitled by law to receive a collectible California Duck Stamp and/or Upland Game Bird Stamp upon request. The cost of printing and mailing stamps to all hunters could reach $250,000.

Are federal duck stamps worth anything?

In 2015 the price of federal duck stamp rose to $25. For every $15 stamp sold, the federal government retains $14.70 for wetlands acquisition and conservation, so very little gets lost in the system for overhead. Most state conservation stamps have a face value of $5.

Are Duck stamps collectible?

Can you use a Duck Stamp for postage?

The Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation stamp, commonly called the “Duck” stamp, is printed by the U.S. Postal Service and is required for all waterfowl hunters over 16. The stamp is not for general postage use. The 1997-98 duck stamp is now available for $15 per stamp. The new stamp features a Canada goose.

Can I buy a Duck Stamp at Walmart?

Where do you buy the stamps? At U.S. Post Offices, at some national wildlife refuges, at some sporting and outdoor stores, even at Walmart and K-Mart. You also can purchase them online at, and by telephone at 1-800-782-6724.

What can you do with a duck stamp?

Duck Stamps are good for recreation. A current Federal Duck Stamp is a free pass into any national wildlife refuge that charges an entry fee. The result: Birders, nature photographers and other outdoor enthusiasts buy Duck Stamps to help ensure they can always see wildlife at their favorite outdoors spots.

What do I do with a duck stamp?

What stamps do you need for duck hunting?

The Migratory-Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp is required with a valid hunting license in order to hunt migratory birds and ducks. Ninety-eight cents of every dollar from the sales of Duck Stamps goes to the purchase of wetlands.

Can you use a duck stamp for postage?

Does a 14 year old need a Federal Duck Stamp?

While anyone can purchase a Duck Stamp, it is a required purchase for waterfowl hunters 16 and older.

Do you have to sign your Duck Stamp?

Note: You must have the actual signed Federal Duck Stamp on your person while hunting any migratory waterfowl. It is illegal to use a receipt for the purchase of the Federal Duck Stamp to hunt. Even in states where electronic licensing is used, you must have a signed Federal Duck Stamp.

Can you buy a Federal Duck Stamp at Walmart?