
How many Starbucks are in Manhattan?

How many Starbucks are in Manhattan?


How much is a Big Mac in Manhattan?

Restaurant Menu

McRib $4.35
Big Mac $6.19
Bacon Quarter Pounder with Cheese $8.13
Quarter Pounder with Cheese $6.64
Double Bacon Quarter Pounder with Cheese $9.54

How much does rent cost in New York?

The average rent in Manhattan was $3,475 according to while the rents averaged $2,900 per month in the rest of the city. It costs an average of $1,376 per square foot to buy a home in Manhattan and $673 per square foot for the rest of the city.

Which NYC borough has the most projects?

The Queensbridge Houses in Long Island City, Queens, is now North America’s largest housing project with 3,142 apartments, following the demolition of several larger Chicago housing projects, including the Cabrini–Green Homes and the Robert Taylor Homes (whose 4,321 three, four and five bedroom apartments once made it …

Where are the projects in Brooklyn?

Marcy, or Marcy Projects, is a public housing complex built and operated by the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) and located in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn and is bordered by Flushing, Marcy, Nostrand and Myrtle avenues.

Is Nycha the same as Section 8?

Created by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1978, the Housing Choice Voucher program, also known as Section 8, provides assistance to eligible low- and moderate-income families to rent housing in the private market. NYCHA administers the largest Section 8 program in the country.

What housing programs are available in NYC?

The following resources are available to support individuals and families in need of affordable housing or homelessness prevention resources….NYC Rental Supplement Programs

  • Living in Communities (LINC) Rental Assistance Program.
  • CITYFEPS Rent Supplement Program.
  • SEPS Rent Supplement Program.
  • Pathway Home.