How many neutrons make up one of these potassium atoms?

How many neutrons make up one of these potassium atoms?

20 neutrons

What can be added to an atom to cause a non valence electron in the atom to temporarily become a valance electron?

Energy can be added to an atom to cause a nonvalence electron in the atom to temporarily become a valence electron. Explanation: When energy is supplied to an atom then electrons present in the lower energy shell get excited.

What best describes the bromide ion that forms Brainly?

It is a negative ion that has one less valence electron than a neutral bromine atom. It is a positive ion that has one less valence electron than a neutral bromine atom.

What is the name of the specific silicon isotope?

Silicon-32 Silicon

What are different forms of an element that have different numbers of neutrons?

Two atoms with the same atomic number, but different mass numbers (same number of protons, different number of neutrons), are called isotopes, or isotopic nuclides. Having different numbers of neutrons changes the mass of these atoms, so isotopes have slight variations in their physical and chemical behavior.

Which is one piece of information that 9 gives about an atom of fluorine?

Answer: The information in that “9” is the atomic number of the atom. Step-by-step explanation: For an atom of fluorine we have: A = atomic weight = 18.99 amu.

What charge does magnesium have when it becomes an ion?


What charge would bromine obtain when it becomes an ion?

IONS Bromine Can Make Bromine can make ions of -1, +5, and +7. An ion is basically an element with a charge. To become an ion, an element has to gain or loose electrons. If it gains electrons, it receives a negative charge because it then has more electrons than protons.

What type of ion does bromine form?

bromide ion

What happens when bromine becomes an ion?

The Bromine Nucleus Acquires A Negative Charge. The Bromide Ion Is Larger Than The Bromine Atom. The Atomic Number Of Bromine Is Decreased By One.