
How many fourth cups are in a half cup?

How many fourth cups are in a half cup?

(4) But there are TWO 1/4 cups in a 1/2 cup.

What are fourths?

If a whole is divided into four equal parts, each part is a FOURTH. A fourth is obtained by dividing a whole (1) by 4.

What does the 7 mean in G7 chord?

When it comes to 7ths just a ‘7’ indicates a dominant 7th chord and that has a flat 7th. G7 = G dominant 7th = (1, 3, 5, b7) = (G, B, D, F), this is the V (“five”) chord in the Key of C major.

What interval is E flat to G?

3rd intervals above note E-flat

Short Medium Intervals ‘above’ statement
d3 dim3 The Eb to Gbb interval is diminished 3rd
m3 min3 The Eb to Gb interval is minor 3rd
M3 maj3 The Eb to G interval is major 3rd
A3 aug3 The Eb to G# interval is augmented 3rd

What interval is D to G flat?

5th intervals above note G-flat

Short Medium Intervals ‘above’ statement
d5 dim5 The Gb to Dbb interval is diminished 5th
P5 perf5 The Gb to Db interval is perfect 5th
A5 aug5 The Gb to D interval is augmented 5th

What is the interval between C and G?


What is the smallest interval in music?


How do you count half steps in intervals?

You can count any number of whole steps or half steps between notes; just remember to count all sharp or flat notes (the black keys on a keyboard) as well as all the natural notes (the white keys) that are in between. Example 4.2. The interval between C and the F above it is 5 half steps, or two and a half steps.

What are common intervals?

Main intervals

Number of semitones Minor, major, or perfect intervals Augmented or diminished intervals
1 Minor second Augmented unison
2 Major second Diminished third
3 Minor third Augmented second
4 Major third Diminished fourth