
How many ears of corn are on a crate?

How many ears of corn are on a crate?

Sweet corn is usually packed in wirebound crates containing 41⁄2 to 5 dozen ears, weighing about 42 pounds.

Which state has the best corn?


How much of Nebraska is corn?

Nebraska Irrigated and Rainfed Corn Acreage Trends In 2017, 5.278 million irrigated acres (56%) and 4.022 million rainfed acres (44%) of corn were grown in Nebraska. Since 2008 irrigated corn acreage has averaged about 5.5 million acres.

What is Nebraska’s biggest export?

Agriculture in Nebraska depends on Exports

2017 Value 2017 State Rank
soybeans $1.5 billion 5
beef and veal $1.2 billion 1
corn $1.0 billion 3
feeds and other feed grains $818 million 3

Why is there so much corn in Nebraska?

Nebraska is the nation’s third largest corn producer, behind only Iowa and Illinois. Nebraska has more irrigated corn acres than any other state, thanks in large part to the Ogallala Aquifer—a large underground water supply that lies beneath much of the state.

Is Nebraska good for farming?

With monikers like the Cornhuskers and The Beef State, Nebraska is certainly famous for its production corn and cattle, but that’s not all. It is a national leader in producing soybeans, wheat, dry edible beans, pork, grain sorghum, popcorn and eggs. Welcome to Nebraska. Welcome to Nebraska agriculture.

Where does Nebraska rank in corn production?


What kind of corn is grown in Nebraska?

white corn

What crop looks like corn but isn t?

Grain sorghum

What’s the difference between cow corn and regular corn?

Field corn, also called cow corn (because it’s used to make cow feed), is taller than sweet corn and has thicker leaves. It stays in the fields until the kernels are dry, mostly because it’s easier to process that way. In fact, field corn makes up 95 percent of the grain in animal feed.