How long were ponyboy and Johnny at the church?

How long were ponyboy and Johnny at the church?

five days

What does ponyboy realize while hiding in the church with Johnny?

Waking up in a church with the dull realization that Johnny’s killing of Bob and the flight from the law really did happen, Ponyboy daydreams about being with Darry and Soda and how wonderful life was at home. Soda had discovered Pony’s sweatshirt at Buck’s and realized that Dally knew where Pony was hiding.

What happens to ponyboy and Johnny because of their actions at the church?

Johnny and Pony risk their lives by saving the kids stuck in the church. Dally saves Johnny by pulling him out of the window. What happens to Ponyboy and Johnny because of their actions? They both get burnt.

How did ponyboy and Johnny get to the church?

He instructs them to take a train to Windrixville, where they can hide in an abandoned church. Ponyboy and Johnny get on a train, and Ponyboy goes to sleep. When they get to Windrixville, they hop off the train and find the church, where they collapse into exhausted sleep.

What caused ponyboy to realize that Darry actually cared about him?

Ponyboy realizes that Darry does care about him; Darry is strict because he loves Ponyboy and wants him to succeed. Ponyboy runs across the room and embraces his brother, thinking that everything will be fine once he gets home.

What made ponyboy realize that Darry missed him?

Pony realizes that Darry really does care. Pony is able to go to Darry and hug him, just like he hugged Soda. This love that he feels from and for his brothers makes everything all right.

What was Johnny’s last words to ponyboy?

2) What do Johnny’s last words mean? Right before he dies in the hospital, Johnny says “Stay gold, Ponyboy.” Ponyboy cannot figure out what Johnny means until he reads the note Johnny left. Johnny writes that “stay gold” is a reference to the Robert Frost poem Ponyboy shared when they were hiding at the church.