
How long does it take for a guy to ask you to be his girlfriend?

How long does it take for a guy to ask you to be his girlfriend?

I would say within 2-3 months. Sorry, but it doesn’t take that LONG to know if someone is girlfriend material or not. A few months is short but it’s enough to know that you are attracted to that person, like them, and want to grow with them in a relationship.

How do you say no to a guy asking you to be his girlfriend?

Just say no.

  1. Don’t make excuses. You don’t need to lie. Unless it’s true, don’t tell him that you’re in a relationship.
  2. Be straight forward, and polite. Say something like, “You seem like a nice guy, but I just don’t like you that way.
  3. Keep it short. You don’t need to give a long-winded rejection just to seem nice.

How do you make him choose me over his girlfriend?

Guide On How To Make Him Choose You Over The Other Woman

  1. Be engaging but not needy. Most women make the same mistake over and over again when it comes to dating, regardless of the competition.
  2. Tease and flirt with him.
  3. Don’t obsess over the other woman…
  4. 4. …
  5. 5. …
  6. Give him what she can’t.
  7. Never confront her.
  8. Show him that you’re a unique high-value woman.

Why does he not ask me to be his girlfriend?

He’ll will not ask you to be his girlfriend because you want different things. Maybe he wants to slow things down while you want to make it happen right away. Maybe you want long term commitment that leads to marriage. You love him more than he loves you, you care for him more than he does for you.

How do you tell he wants you to be his girlfriend?

27 Signs He Wants You to Be His Girlfriend

  • He wants to make plans together for the future.
  • He introduces you to his inner circle.
  • He protects you.
  • He makes an effort to get to know you and your interests.
  • Your arguments involve actual communication.
  • He’s consistent.
  • He texts you all the time.
  • He makes an effort with your friends and family.