
How do you play Patintero?

How do you play Patintero?

The rules of patintero Philippines are as follows:

  1. The game starts with a toss of a coin to decide the team that becomes the passer or runner.
  2. There is a time limit of two minutes for each team to score.
  3. Once the two minutes elapse, the two teams change sides, and the guards become the passers and vice-versa.

What strategies did you use in playing Patintero?


  • Use a basketball to practice dribbling and defensive drills.
  • The goal for offensive players is to make it in both directions without being tagged.
  • Create two teams and assign points for every offensive player that successfully crosses without being tagged.
  • Assign points for every tag.

What values and skills does Patintero learn?

In playing the game of Patintero, we can get the values of being on time or punctual, having cooperation and making decisions quickly and effectively.

  • On time (Punctual) Whenever we play Patintero, we learn to be on time or being punctual.
  • Cooperation.
  • Determination.
  • Decisiveness.

What is the use of the chalk or water in playing Patintero?

Answer: Using the chalk placed on the palm of the taggers to leave marks on the bodies of the tagger runners and serve as a basis that the tagging was valid. The team is composed of a coach and five players. It is also popularly played during night time under the light of the moon.

What is the English of Patintero?

Patintero is derived from Spanish word tinte (“tint” or “ink”) in reference to the drawn lines. Another name for it is tubigan, tubiganay, or tubig-tubig (“water [game]”), due to the fact that the grid lines are also commonly drawn by wetting the ground with water.

How can we consider who is the winner in playing Patintero?

Patintero is played outdoors. The players are divided into two teams equal number, namely the runners and the taggers. Winning the toss entitles the players on that team to be runners.

What are the benefits of playing Patintero?

Benefits of Playing Outdoor Games for Children

  • It gives them an opportunity to learn new things.
  • It can help in their physical development.
  • It can boost their creativity.
  • It can help them acquire social skills.
  • It can help them develop a positive attitude.
  • It helps in personality development.

Is Patintero a sport?

The Patintero Sports Initiative has changed its focus. From our original dream of introducing Patintero as an international sport, we’ve decided to become a venue to feature sports where Filipinos can excel internationally.

What benefits can you get from playing Patintero?

Who made Patintero?

Samahang Makasining
Patintero is one of the most popular Filipino street games. In 1997, Samahang Makasining (Artist Club), Inc. created time based scoring like basketball. Each team player is composed of 6 people (4 players and 2 waiting as replacements).

What are the benefits of Patintero?

Tumbang Preso promotes presence of mind, fast thinking and movements, as well as agility. The Benefits of Playing Music Help Your Brain More Than Any Other Activity Learning an instrument increases resilience to any age-related decline in hearing.

What is the benefits of playing Patintero?

Being a couch potato can also lead to obesity in children. On the other hand, playing outdoor games can improve mental and physical health in children. Exposure to outdoor play can also shape their personality and help them develop essential social skills. It is a wonderful way to help them develop life skills.

Why do we need to play Patintero?

Patintero is more than a team game. It develops the player’s gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and strategic thinking. The game also promotes team building.

What is the benefits of playing games?

Benefits of video games for both children and adults include: Healthy brain stimulation. Development of problem-solving skills. Stress relief.

What’s the meaning of Patintero?

Patintero, also known as harangang-taga or tubigan, is a traditional Filipino children’s game. Along with tumbang preso, it is one of the most popular outdoor games played by children in the Philippines.

What is Patintero in English?

What is the meaning of Patintero?

What are the positive and negative effects of playing video games?

Positive Effects of Video Games

  • Video games improve basic visual processes.
  • Video games may help ease anxiety and depression.
  • Video games can make people more violent.
  • Video games may decrease players’ ability to concentrate.
  • Video games can become addictive.
  • Video games may increase depression and anxiety.

What are the negative effect of playing video games?

While some reports have linked video games to negative consequences such as obesity, attention problems, poor school performance and video game “addiction,” most research has focused on the effects of violent games.

What is the importance of playing Patintero?

Common questions

How do you play Patintero?

How do you play Patintero?

1) To start the game, all Passers must go and try crossing the rectangle back and forth without being touched by any of the Guards.

  1. If anyone succeed, they score 1 point for their team.
  2. If a Passer fails as he got tagged, he is out of the game and have to wait until the next turn.

What is Patintero in English?

This literally means “block and catch” in English. Meanwhile, in other parts of the Philippines, patintero is called by regional names, such as: Tubigan, tubiganay, or tubig-tubig (water game) in the Visayas and other Bisaya-speaking regions.

What are the benefits of playing Patintero?

In playing patintero, you learn to strategize, develop self-confidence and ability. Adults play patintero, too as a recreational activity during family (and friends) gatherings. and to have a healthy and enjoyable life. Regular physical activity can relieve stress, anxiety, depression and anger.

What is skill of Patintero?

Skills practiced: safe tagging, agility, evasion, balance, spatial awareness.

What is the equipment of Patintero?

Rules of the game Patintero rules apply across the board to all players. The equipment required for the game includes chalk or paint, a score sheet, a whistle, and a stopwatch. The playing court should be a rectangle of about 7.5m long and 5m wide divided into six equal rectangles.

Why Patintero is your favorite game?

Not only is Patintero a very good exercise, but it also encourages the development of critical thinking and tactical planning in young kids today. My favorite traditional filipino game is Sungka. Not only is it a mind game, it also develops our analytical thinking, and at the same time teaches patience.

Why outdoor games are better?

Outdoor play keeps kids active and can boost their physical stamina and fitness. Playing outdoor games can also strengthen their muscles and bones, build immunity, and lower the risk of many diseases like diabetes, heart problems, and obesity. But outdoor play can improve their eyesight.

How many players are on each team of Patintero?

There are two teams of about five players each. The object of the game is to get past the lines, which are guarded by players of the opposite team. Most of the guards face front or back, but one guard is perpendicular to them. A moonlit night and patintero always go together.

What are the mechanics of the game Patintero?

What is the game mechanics of Patintero? Mechanics: A team is composed of 5 players. The scorer and the timekeeper are assigned. The objective of a team is to accumulate as many points by passing the lines without being tagged.

How many players do you need to play pantintero?

The super-popular game applies to both children and adults, and it tests an individual’s agility and spatial awareness. Pantintero is a native game in the Philippines that requires two teams with at least five players on each side.

How big of a court do you need for Patintero?

Patintero rules apply across the board to all players. The equipment required for the game includes chalk or paint, a score sheet, a whistle, and a stopwatch. The playing court should be a rectangle of about 7.5m long and 5m wide divided into six equal rectangles.