
How do you edit an event on Facebook Mobile?

How do you edit an event on Facebook Mobile?

To edit an existing event using your mobile browser:

  1. From your News Feed, tap Menu at the top, then tap Events.
  2. Tap Hosting, then tap View Event below the event you’d like to edit.
  3. Tap Edit to change the name, location, time or details.
  4. Tap Save.

How do I edit an event on Facebook?

To edit an existing event on your computer:

  1. From your News Feed, click Events in the left menu.
  2. Select an event you would like to edit.
  3. Click Edit to the right.
  4. Change the event name, location, time, description or co-hosts.
  5. Click Update.

Are life events public on Facebook?

Facebook Help Team If you want to share a Life Event without it posting as a story on Facebook, you can first add your life event with the “Only Me” setting, and later change it to “Public”. So it will not create a story in your friends’ News Feeds, but it will be visible to anyone who views your profile.

Can you hide life events on Facebook?

You can choose to hide a life event by tapping “…” at the top of the post and selecting “Hide from Timeline.”

How do I get back an expired Facebook post?

To see a video after it expires, click Publishing Tools at the top of your Page, then click Expired Posts. Keep in mind that if you choose to delete the video when it expires, the post will be permanently removed from your Page, your Page’s activity log and insights, and anywhere else it was shared on Facebook.

How long does a post last on Facebook?

5 hours

Why does a post on Facebook disappear?

Facebook Glitch A glitch, or error, may occur when problems arise with the system programming. Problems with the hardware or software used by Facebook also may result in error messages and disappearing posts. Typically, once Facebook resolves the problems, the posts reappear.

How long does a post stay in news feed?

about 2 hours

What happened to my news feed on Facebook?

Facebook Help Team Your News Feed should be filled with updates from your people and Pages you follow. If any of your feeds are blank, close and reopen Facebook to refresh your News Feed or update the browser you’re using.

How do I remove a post from Facebook News Feed?

Go to the post on your Page’s timeline. Click in the top-right corner. Select Delete Post then click Delete.

Is anyone seeing my Facebook posts?

But unless they’re interacting (liking, reacting to, commenting, or sharing) immediately with your content, there’s a chance Facebook’s algorithm will hide your post so no one will see it. They do this because they want you, as a public Page and presumably a business, to pay for visibility through Facebook Ads.

Why can’t I see my own posts on my Facebook page?

If you are still experiencing this issue, here are a few things to try: – Log out of Facebook by clicking the arrow on the top right corner and click “Logout”; – Clear cookies and cache, if you’re using a computer; – Log into Facebook and try again.

Did Facebook Get rid of most recent?

In July 2020, Facebook updated, and with it, the “most recent” button was harder to find. But the good news is that the function is still there on both the website and the app.

Why is my post not showing up on my timeline?

If Facebook posts aren’t showing up on your app, make sure that you are using a Facebook page and not a Facebook personal Timeline (private profile). Select your Page below Use Facebook as: Click Edit Page and select Edit Settings.

Why can’t I see all my birthday posts on my timeline?

Miss getting birthday messages on your Facebook profile? Then make sure your privacy settings allow your friends to post to your timeline. Click the little down-arrow in the top-right corner of any Facebook page, then select Privacy Settings. Find the “Timeline and Tagging” section and click the “Edit Settings” link.