
How do you address a letter to a Masonic lodge?

How do you address a letter to a Masonic lodge?

If you are unsure of the title, address the letter to “The Honorable (Name).” This can be abbreviated “Hon. (Name).” The leaders of Masonic lodges frequently take the title, “Most Worshipful.” Write the name of the lodge on the envelope.

How do you address a Grand Lodge officer?

Always address a Grand Lodge Officer at any Communication by his correct title and he in turn must show the same courtesy to other Grand Lodge Officers present as well as to the Worshipful Master and to the Brethren of the Lodge.

What is a demit letter?

To demit from a lodge is to resign one’s membership, on which occasion a certificate of good standing and a release from all dues is given to the applicant, which is technically called a demit.

What is the Masonic alphabet?

The Masonic Cipher is a geometric simple substitution cipher, which exchanges letters for symbols to create encrypted messages and consists of a 26-character key which replaces every character in the alphabet with a different symbol.

What is a WM in the Masons?

The Worshipful Master is carefully selected for the role, and he is someone that has been groomed for the Chair during his tenure as Senior Warden, Junior Warden and other Masonic positions. The Worshipful Master oversees everyone in the Lodge and ensures that they are carrying out their duties efficiently.

What is the highest degree Mason?

Master Mason
The standard, widely accepted Masonic rite has three degrees. They are Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and the highest rank that anyone can earn, Master Mason. A common alternative, the Scottish Rite, has 33 degrees, including these three standard rankings and 30 other supplementary degrees, which we’ll list below.

What does Dimitted mean?

Dimitverb. to dismiss, let go, or release.

How do you address a masonic business letter?

If the lodge is the head lodge for a state, address it to “Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of (State Name).” Follow this style when formatting a business letter; business and informal letters alike should use the format in the greeting.

What does the letter G stand for in the Masonic Lodge?

We are told in the early masonic lectures that G signifies “Geometry, the Root and Foundation of all Sciences.” By the beginning of the nineteenth century, the letter G, was said to have a symbolic meaning of God as synonymous with Geometry. It was sometimes displayed in the center of the Lodge and other times hung in the East.

Where can I find the location of my Masonic Lodge?

The location of our lodges can be found in the local phone book. Similarly, many of our members openly wear Masonic symbols signifying that they are Masons and belong to a Masonic Lodge. Nor is the philosophy that we stand for secret – Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth; and the brotherhood of man.

What do Freemasons do in a Masonic Lodge?

Freemasons are members of a fraternal society that has been around for hundreds of years. Masons, as they are commonly called, meet in Masonic lodges to discuss business matters, plan events and socialize.