
How do I move photos into albums?

How do I move photos into albums?

Step 1: Press and hold your finger over one photo to begin selecting photos for your album. Step 2: Once all are selected, tap on the more options menu icon (three dots in the top bar), then select Add to Album. Step 3: Tap on the album you would like to add the photos to.

How do you move photos to albums on iPhone?

Just follow these steps:

  1. Open Photos on your iPhone and iPad.
  2. Tap the Library tab.
  3. Tap Days or All Photos.
  4. Tap Select.
  5. Tap on photos that you want to add to an album.
  6. Tap the Share button on the bottom left corner..
  7. Tap Add to Album or Add to Shared Album.
  8. Tap on the album to which you’d like to add your photos.

How do I delete photos from my Iphone but keep them in an album?

Select all of the photos you want to remove. Then tap the Delete (trash) icon at the bottom right. Tap Remove From Album. The photos will be removed from the album, but they’ll still be stored in the Recents album.

What is the difference between album and smart album in photos?

iPhoto albums let a user drag and compile images from events and manually add distinctions; iPhoto Smart albums let the user set conditions for automatically doing the same. Both the iPhoto Album and the iPhoto Smart Album do not actually contain the images; the images remain in the Events in the iPhoto library.

What happens to photos when you delete them?

If you delete a photo or video that’s backed up in Google Photos, it will stay in your bin for 60 days. If you see a photo or video in Google Photos that you think you deleted, it might be on a removable memory card. To delete it, use your device’s gallery app.

How do I make sure my photos are not recoverable?

How to make sure your data is really deleted before selling your Android phone

  1. Encrypt your phone. Encrypting your Android device is the strongest way to prevent its data from being recovered.
  2. Overwrite it with throwaway data.
  3. Repeat.