
How do I know when my seeds are ready?

How do I know when my seeds are ready?

Ripe seeds are yellow, brown or black, hard, and contained in a seedpod that is (usually) white or brown and dry. Ripe seeds usually come out of the seedpod easily.

What do frangipani seed pods look like?

Seeds develop within a pod, often a double pod in a ‘T ‘ shape, which looks rather like two thin 17 cm zucchini in the early stages – changing over time to brown/black when mature (see photo, lower left). Pods can take up to 8 months to mature depending on the local microclimate.

Will unripe seeds germinate?

This partially supports the delayed signal hypothesis, since we show evidence that some seeds in intermediate maturity stages (or even when unripe) are viable and have high germination capacity. In other words, some seeds do not require fruit color maturity to germinate.

Will immature seeds germinate?

There are a few indicators that will give you a sense of whether the seed is worth germinating. Immature seeds tend to be light in color and have a soft outer shell. In those cases, it probably isn’t worth the effort to try and germinate the seed.

Can I grow Hermie seeds?

Yes its “possible” but there are too many factors to give you an accurate ratio of female:hermie. It depends on the genetics, how the Hermie seeds were made, if the seeds came from a self pollinated hermie or from a 100% female plant pollinated by a hermie.

Are bag seeds female?

Bag seeds often come from pollen created by a stressed female plant that made a few male flowers. So they usually will be female, especially if indoor grown and they are rare to find. But they will carry genetics more likely to express hermaphrodite traits, so they can be iffy to grow, but most turn out pretty good.

Why is my female plant producing seeds?

Feminized seeds occur as a result of inducing a female plant to herm, then fertilizing another female plant with the pollen. The pollen from the ‘hermie’ contains only female chromosomes, so that no true males can result from the seed.

Are Herm seeds feminized?

A male plant makes itself known at the beginning of the flowering stage, but a hermie plant may grow only buds except for just one or two tiny pollen sacs. In order to create a feminized seed, one of the parent female plants had to be forced in some way to produce pollen.