
How do I change the indentations of a bullet in Google Docs?

How do I change the indentations of a bullet in Google Docs?

Change indents

  1. On your computer, open a document in Google Docs.
  2. Highlight the text you want to indent.
  3. In the menu at the top, click Format Align & indent. Indentation options.
  4. Under “Special indent,” choose “Hanging.”
  5. Optional: In the box next to “Hanging,” change the size of the indent.
  6. Click Apply.

How do I indent the second line of a bullet in Word?

Use the By menu to select a number larger than the bullet default . 25, such as . 7, depending on how much your instructor wants the second line to be indented….For Word 2016:

  1. Highlight you bulleted list and right click.
  2. Select Adjust List Indents from the pop up menu.
  3. Under Follow number with: select Space and hit OK.

How do you increase indent level?

Change the level of indent for a paragraph

  1. Select the text you want to change, then do one of the following:
  2. To increase or decrease the left indent of the whole paragraph, on the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Increase List Level or Decrease List Level.

How do you change the tab level in a bullet?

Go into Word> Preferences> AutoCorrect – AutoFormat as you type to make sure the boxes are checked for Automatic bulleted lists & for Set left- and first-indent with tabs and backspaces.

How do I fix indentations in Google Docs?

From the menus, choose Format | Align & Indent | Indentation Options | then, from the Special Indent drop-down, choose First Line. As with a hanging indent, the default indent is 0.5 inches. You may modify the indent value to make the indent either less or more than the default. Select Apply.

How do you put a space between bullet points?

Select the entire bulleted list. Click Home, and then click Paragraph>Line Spacing. Choose the number of line spaces you want from the drop-down menu, or create custom line spacing by choosing Line Spacing Options….Change line spacing between bullets in a list

  1. Select the list.
  2. Click Home>Paragraph Dialog Box Launcher.

How do I add more space between bullets in Word?

How do I put the second line of a bullet point?

Change the indent for one bullet

  1. Click next to the text for the bullet you want to change.
  2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, select the arrow next to Multilevel List, and then select Change List Level.
  3. Select the level where you want the bullet. Each level has a different bullet style.

How do you promote bullets to top level bullets?

Add a sub-bullet On the Home tab, select the ellipsis (…) next to the list buttons (as illustrated below), and then select Increase List Level. Keyboard shortcut for Increase List Level: Tab. Keyboard shortcut for Decrease List Level: Shift+Tab.

Why is there an indent after 10?

Re: Numbered List Indents After 10. It happens because Verdana is slightly wider than the default font. The numbers all fit within the tab position with the narrower font, but the two-digit numbers won’t fit when you switch to the wider Verdana font.

How do you indent tabs with bullets?

Click the File tab, and then click Options. In the Proofing category, click AutoCorrect Options. On the AutoFormat As You Type tab, select “Set left and first indent with tabs and backspaces.” Click OK twice.

How do I change the list level in tab?

Place your cursor within the list item you wish to change to a different level. Under the “Home” tab, locate the “Paragraph” group > Click the [Numbering] or [Bullets] icon. Within the drop-down menu, click “Change List Level” > Click the level of organization you would like to apply to the selected list item.

What is bullet in HTML?

Lists made with bullets are called bulleted lists. The HTML element name for a bulleted list is “unordered list”, because the list items are not arranged in numerical order (as they would be in a numbered list). Usually bullet points are used to list things.

How do you reduce bullet indent in PowerPoint?

Click on the line of text you want to make subordinate to the bulleted or numbered point above it. Switch to the Home tab of the Microsoft PowerPoint ribbon and locate the Paragraph group. Click on the unlabeled Increase List Level button. PowerPoint enlarges the size of the indent applied to the line of text and reduces the type size.

How do you move bullet points in PowerPoint?

Click the lower of the two small gray arrows on the ruler at the top of the PowerPoint screen. Drag the arrow to the left. The bullets themselves move backward, but the text backs up only slightly.