How deep can a river get?

How deep can a river get?

The deepest river in the world is the Congo River in Africa. At its deepest point, the river reaches a depth of approximately 720 feet. This depth makes the Congo River about 64 feet deeper than the second deepest river in the world, which is the Yangtze River in China.Tir 1, 1397 AP

Why is the Nile blue and white?

While the White Nile is the longer tributary, the Blue Nile is the main source of water and fertile soil. The White Nile is called so because of the light-coloured clay sediment in the water giving the river a light grey colour. The White Nile and Blue Nile merge near Khartoum, becoming Nile proper.Bahman 6, 1387 AP

Is the Nile blue?

Along with the White Nile, it is one of the two major tributaries of the Nile, and supplies about 80% of the water in the Nile during the rainy season….

Blue Nile
Blue Nile River in Ethiopia
Countries Ethiopia and Sudan
Physical characteristics

Where do White and Blue Nile meet?

Khartoum, Sudan

What is a Sudd?

The Sudd (as-Sudd or al-Sudd) is a vast swamp in South Sudan, formed by the White Nile’s Baḥr al-Jabal section. The Arabic word sudd is derived from sadd (سد), meaning “barrier” or “obstruction”. The term “the sudd” has come to refer to any large solid floating vegetation island or mat.

Is the River Nile dangerous?

The fields near the Nile River give off a parasitic disease called schistosomiasis. To get infected with Schistosomiasis you have to touch fresh water in which a certain parasite lives. 200 million people are affected by this disease world wide. After a few days of being infected, you get a rash or itchy skin.

Who found the true source of the Nile?

John Hanning Speke

Did top gear actually go to Chernobyl?

I’ve visited Pripyat (the city nearest Chernobyl) where the footage was filmed. We tromped all over the paved surfaces and climbed to the top of the big hotel, but stayed away from turned up earth or wet ground. We stood in the same place as Jeremy did to observe the destroyed cooling tower.