
How can Kyle Reese be the father of John Connor?

How can Kyle Reese be the father of John Connor?

In the year 2029, he was sent back in time to the year 1984 to protect Sarah Connor from a T-800 Model 101 Terminator. Kyle Reese was the father of John Connor, through the result of a predestination paradox.

Who is John Connor’s real dad?

Kyle Reese

How strong is a T 800 Terminator?

T-800: Cybernetic organism with strength far beyond any human. Human skin over a metal endoskeleton. 6’2 400. Futuristic A.I., programmed in methods of killing very efficiently.

Why does the Terminator ask for a plasma rifle?

It’s reasonable to think that Skynet’s records on the development and availability of weaponry were also limited in some way. Arnold asks for the plasma rifle because he isn’t actually sure if it is available in this time or not.

Are the Terminator movies connected?

Anyway, there are essentially three different timelines in the Terminator movies. The Prime timeline (or the Primeline, I guess) begins with The Terminator. In 2029, the T-800 and Kyle Reese both get sent back to 1984 to intercept Sarah Connor.

What happened to Pops in Terminator?

Pops is the only Terminator protector from the future in the films who survives the movie it’s in and the completion of its mission. Like the first T-800 in the original timeline and the other one in Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Pops lost its left arm. Unlike them, it was regrown by utilizing mimetic polyalloy.

How does Kyle Reese die?

The robot knocked Kyle to the floor, who then pulled one last pipe bomb from his coat and slipped it into the T-800’s abdominal cavity. When the bomb exploded, the Terminator’s lower body was blown to scrap. Kyle, however, was struck by a piece of shrapnel and killed.

Who sent pops back to save Sarah Connor?

Who Sent Pops Back To 1973? Background: With a T-1000 sent back to kill Sarah Connor in her childhood, a T-800 was sent back to protect her. Pops, also known as the “Guardian” unit, rescues young Sarah and takes her under his wing, thus skewing the Terminator timeline into yet another tangent of events.