
How can I surprise my concert tickets for my birthday?

How can I surprise my concert tickets for my birthday?

If you are looking to surprise someone with concert tickets, the best way to keep the recipient guessing is to wrap the tickets in a mysterious way. This method is fun for both parties as you get to ultimately surprise your friend or family member and experience the joy of the recipient’s reaction to the gift.

How do you surprise concert tickets?

Where do my parents hide my presents?

SpareFoot also asked parents to give up their preferred hiding spots, and these are the most popular results:

  1. 34.7 percent of parents hide presents in the closet.
  2. 18.1 percent in random spaces throughout the house.
  3. 12.5 percent in the garage.
  4. 9.6 percent in the car.
  5. 9.2 percent under the bed.

Where can I hide my birthday presents?

Here’s a look at 8 places to hide the christmas presents from those nosy kids of yours!

  • The Attic. It’s dusty.
  • Your Underwear Drawer. No kid (especially a boy) is going to want to dig through your underwear drawer.
  • Suitcases.
  • Right in Front of Their Eyes.
  • The Garbage.
  • Under Your Bed.
  • In the Hamper.
  • Your Car.

How do I figure out my birthday gift?

9 Tips That Will Guarantee You Find the Perfect Gift for Everyone on Your List

  1. Make the present an event.
  2. Now, literally give an experience.
  3. Make a list of all the things the person is interested in and things that define who they are.
  4. Look to the past.
  5. Ask yourself what that person needs.
  6. Do some stalking.

Where do parents usually hide Christmas presents?

A new survey found the most popular places for parents to stash their kids Christmas presents before the big day. According to the number one hiding spot is in the trunk of a car. That’s followed by the linen closet, garage, basement or a friend’s house.