When you graduate from high school and you have your sights set on attending college, there are many expenses involved; one being, textbook purchases. You don’t want to spend an arm and a leg, and purchasing brand new ones can be very expensive. There are websites you can research to find cheap textbooks online.
Some are:
- Chegg: This is a great site that has been in business since 2005. Not only can you purchase books, but renting is also an option. It is very easy to use because you can type in the book’s title or the ISBN number. You will then find out :
- cost of the book;
- how much it costs to rent for the quarter or semester; and
- cost of the e-book version, if it’s accessible.
Some other facts to know about Chegg are:
- offers up to 90% discounts, which is a much higher discount than many other sites;
- gives you an electronic form of your book for free so you can start studying even before your purchased book is delivered to you;
- will buy back your new or used book when you are finished with it;book
- provides help on certain subjects when you’re doing your homework; and
- provides internship and/or career resources that you can check out.
- Amazon: This online site is one that you can find absolutely any textbook you need because they have such a variety of books to choose from. Searching for your book is very easy. You can type in the book you’re looking for, and then you can choose from a variety of both new and used books at various prices. Some other great things about this site are:
- has fast shipping;
- can sell your books back to them when finished; and
- available in kindle format (for those who don’t like carrying books around campus)
Even though prices may be a little more, it was one of the top nominated textbook online sites for
- AbeBooks: This site has been around for many years and gives huge discounts, as much as 75% off retail prices. Some other benefits are:
- can purchase books directly on the site instead of going through many retailers;
- collaborates with local bookstores, which provides more inventory and choices of books for you;
- sells international versions at low prices;
- gives a money back guarantee; and
- can sell your books back to them when term or semester ends.
- BIGWORDS: This is a site that is not an individual retailer, but they collect data from many retailers so you can find the very best book and shipping prices available. It is a unique site and easily found when searching the web because of its use of all caps in their name. Some other attributes are:
- very easy to use;
- can buy or rent both new and used books; and
- offers the highest prices if you want to sell books back after use.
They are willing to work with you in price adjusting, whether its memberships, shipping costs or book prices.
- DealOz: This site also allows you to search for the best possible prices. You can compare one retailer with another to see what prices are best for you. They have many other great reasons to shop on their site:
- show pros and cons and compare prices between renting and buying, to help with your decision;
- offer up to 95% discounts off retail prices;
- can compare new, used and various editions of books before buying;
- offers discounts on movies, music and video games;
- can live chat to get answers to questions you may have; and
- can sell textbooks back to them, after use.
Many have saved a lot of money when shopping on this website.
A great website to buy, sell or rent textbooks online is You can buy or rent e-books immediately on as many as 430,000 titles, saving as much as 60%, as well as get free shipping. You don’t even have to be at home on your computer to place your order. You can be out and about and use your tablet or smart phone, at your convenience. Here is how quickly the processing is done and some more information for you:
- Enter an ISBN number for pricing on your book.
- You will receive a free prepaid shipping label.
- You will get paid quickly, within four days; either by a check or through PayPal – your choice.
- There is a 100% guarantee for fourteen days and a no-hassle return policy.
- They offer promos and coupons.
The availability to access this site is offered everywhere in the United States and customers love it. If you want a no-hassle option for buying, selling or renting textbooks, visit this site and you won’t be disappointed.