
Does Ziggy get with Tane in home and away?

Does Ziggy get with Tane in home and away?

After weeks of building sexual tension, Ziggy Astoni (Sophie Dillman) and Tane Parata (Ethan Browne) finally gave in to temptation and slept together in the season finale.

What happened to Bella’s dad in home and away?

Taking no chances, Colby took a more ruthless approach to get Ross out of his and Bella’s lives forever. Much to Dean’s shock, Colby pulled out his gun and shot Ross dead. In the aftermath, Colby and Dean embarked on a cover-up by burning Ross’s car and burying his body in a shallow grave in some bushland.

Did Colby kill his dad home and away?

Home and Away star Tim Franklin speculates on how far Colby Thorne would go to protect his family and shares why he wants a dramatic death scene! It’s been well over a year since police officer Colby Thorne murdered his abusive killer step-dad Ross Nixon in Home and Away.

Who is Tim Franklin partner?

Sam Frost

Is Sam Frost in a relationship with Tim Franklin?

Tim Franklin “They’ve been seeing each other in secret for months, but Sam’s wanted it kept on the down low after the horrendous split with Dave [Bashford] last year,” a Home And Away insider told Woman’s Day of Sam and Tim’s secret love affair. “She’s smitten, and she really wants them to be the next big TV couple.”

Is Sam Frost in a relationship?

Soon after, a representative spoke to Sydney Confidential, sharing a statement that read: “Sam Frost and Dave Bashford are no longer in a relationship. They remain great mates.”

Is Colby leaving the show?

The answer is no, Colby has not died yet and he is very much alive but the character has left the show for now. According to a report by, Colby’s younger sister Bella Nixon refuses to leave the prison until she knows what has happened to her brother after being involved in another incident.

Are Blake and Sam still together?

Blake and Louise have since separated after an 18-month relationship. “‘After 18 months together, Sam Frost and Sasha Mielczarek have come to a mutual decision to end their relationship,” she told the Courier Mail in a statement. The pair during happier times on the set of The Bachelorette.