
Does Jainism have a holy book?

Does Jainism have a holy book?

Unlike most common monotheistic religions, Jainism does not have one holy book that characterizes their faith. Instead they have a collection of holy writings and scriptures. However, there is one scripture that both sects believe to be holy. This text is called the Tattvartha-sutra.

Who is the God of Jainism?

Lord Mahavir

Are Jains are Hindu?

Jainism is considered to be a legally distinct religion in India. A section of scholars earlier considered it as a Hindu sect or a Buddhist heresy, but it is one of the three ancient Indian religions.

Why do Jain monks cover their mouths?

This is where such a minute detail has been taken care of by Jain monks. Jain monks distinctly because of their attire. Here it is to be noted that Jain monks wear the Muhapatti to avoid unwittingly kill the insects or living beings through the process of breathing. A muhapatti is used to cover the mouth.

Why do Jains wear a mask?

Water may not be drunk at night for fear of swallowing some unseen insect, and masks may be worn to avoid inhaling insects (Campbell 1982). Jain adherents may walk with a broom to sweep clear the ground before they tread on it.

Which country has Jainism?


What Jains not eat?

In addition to not eating meat, Jains cannot eat eggs, gelatin, or even anything that grows underground. That includes potatoes, onions, and garlic!

What are the 4 principles of Jainism?

Devout Jains take five main vows: ahiṃsā (non-violence), satya (truth), asteya (not stealing), brahmacharya (sexual continence), and aparigraha (non-possessiveness). These principles have affected Jain culture in many ways, such as leading to a predominantly vegetarian lifestyle.

What are the 3 jewels of Jainism?

In Jainism the three jewels (also referred to as ratnatraya) are understood as samyagdarshana (“right faith”), samyagjnana (“right knowledge”), and samyakcharitra (“right conduct”). One of the three cannot exist exclusive of the others, and all are required for spiritual liberation.

What do Jains do with their dead?

In order to keep the Earth clean and pure, Jains cremate those who pass away. The cremation is done as soon as possible and cannot be done between sunset and sunrise of the day following the death.

How do Jains die?

According to Jainism, Ātman (soul) is eternal and never dies. According to Tattvartha Sutra which is a compendium of Jain principles, the function of matter (pudgala) is to contribute to pleasure, suffering, life and death of living beings.

When did Jainism originate?

500 B.