
Do Ebay sellers know your address?

Do Ebay sellers know your address?

Yes and no. The seller will see your primary shipping address before you pay. But the seller should never ship until they have received payment as the ship to address can be changed when payment is made, such as a gift address. They see it in their Ebay acct when they click SOLD and see all of their accts.

How do I know if my PayPal address is verified?

When you go to your Profile and settings, Address, then “Update”, on the next page, if your address is Confirmed, you will see it the Status column.

Why does my PayPal shipping address say unconfirmed?

Sellers may deliver to an unconfirmed address, but they are responsible for any buyer-initiated disputes. An address is termed confirmed if the buyer has reviewed and consented to the same during PayPal checkout.

Should I ship to unconfirmed PayPal address?

Shipping to an Unconfirmed Address Most unconfirmed addresses are not fraudulent and sellers don’t usually experience problems shipping to them. When you do ship to an unconfirmed address, PayPal encourages you to be alert to your buyer and minimize risk by following our Protection Tips for Sellers.

Does billing address matter with PayPal?

PayPal needs your postal address because we use it as your default billing address. In addition, some credit card companies use your postal address for authentication purposes, even if you have a different billing address.

What happens if you mess up the billing address?

If you put the wrong billing address on an online order, the worst thing that can happen is that your order may be canceled. More often, the retailer will notify you of the error, and you’ll have the chance to update your information. Your order should process normally once your information is updated.

How do I add a US address to my PayPal account?

On the payment page, enter the recipient’s email address and amount. Click + Add a new shipping address under the shipping address dropdown menu. Enter the address information and click Save.

How do I add another country address to my PayPal account?

The laws applicable to PayPal accounts differ by country, so you can’t change your address to a country that is different from the country you used when you opened your account. If you’re moving abroad, you’ll need to close your existing account and open a new account.

How do I set up a US PayPal account outside the US?

How to Set Up a PayPal Account Outside the USA?

  1. Go to the PayPal worldwide website and make sure that your country is listed in the PayPal localized network. If it is listed, click on the country to transfer to that country’s PayPal site.
  2. Click on the “Sign Up” link to begin registration.
  3. Enter your personal information and credit card number.

Can I change my shipping address on PayPal after paying?

You can’t change the mailing address on an already sent payment. You need to contact the seller. The seller may want to refund the payment and ask you to resend it with the correct mailing address.

How do I remove shipping addresses from PayPal?

How to delete old shipping addresses from your Paypal account

  1. Go to the PayPal website and log in to your account.
  2. Click Profile at the top of the page.
  3. Click Street Address in the Account Information column.
  4. Select the address to be removed and click Remove.

How do I update my address on PayPal?

On the PayPal app: Tap the Settings cog in the top right corner. Tap Personal Info. Tap Addresses….Click Manage all addresses.

  1. To add a new address, click Add address.
  2. To change an address, click Update.
  3. To remove an address, click Remove.

How do I update my primary address on PayPal?

Re: How can I change my primary address

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click the Settings icon next to “Log out.”
  3. Click Edit in the Address section.
  4. Enter your changes and click Change Address.

What is my primary address?

A person’s primary address is the person’s primary location. It is used to place the person on a map as well as define households.