
Can you use Jiffy Pop on an electric stove?

Can you use Jiffy Pop on an electric stove?

Made using the finest corn kernels, Jiffy Pop creates the ultimate popping experience for your camping trips or afternoon snacks. Quickly prepare on a gas range, electric range or camp stove by placing on the burner and shaking back and forth until foil is fully expanded, approximately 2 to 5 minutes.

How easy is it to scratch a glass top stove?

Glass stovetops are unfortunately prone to scratches, from pots, pans, and utensils. Like all glass panes and products, it’s impossible to remove a scratch from a glass stovetop fully. However, it is possible to drastically reduce the look and feel of glass stovetop scratches.

Can you cook directly on a glass top stove?

Answer: Only use Granite·Ware® pots and pans with completely flat bottoms on glass cooktops. When using pots/pans whose bottoms are not completely flat, excessive heat can build up between the cooktop and the pot/pan and the cooktop can crack.

What cleans a glass stove top?

With all burners cool, spray the surface of your glass top with white vinegar and wipe with a damp cloth to remove any surface debris and degrease the surface. Any surface cleaner will get the job done here, but vinegar is inexpensive and is always on hand.

How do I get the haze off my glass top stove?

To remove haze from the cooktop, spray the surface down with vinegar and cover the top with a good sprinkling of baking soda. Place a hot, damp towel over the stove top and allow it to sit for 15 minutes. Wipe up the baking soda with a soft sponge or damp towel and spray the surface with vinegar again.

Can a glass cooktop be resurfaced?

Damages to a glass cooktop can be repaired without a complete replacement. Damages resulting from glass scratches or melted items on the cooktop can be repaired without help from professionals. All repairs must be completed and allowed to set or dry completely before the cooktop is used again for safety’s sake.

How do I get stains off my glass top stove?

Use Baking Soda and Vinegar Spritz distilled vinegar over the stove top surface and then cover the surface with baking soda. Dampen a large towel in warm water, wring out the extra water and lay it over the stove top. Wait at least 15 minutes. Wipe off the residue with a clean, soft cloth.