
Can you upgrade the wolf bow?

Can you upgrade the wolf bow?

The bow can then be upgraded into four different bows, each with their own specifications. Each has a different style to them and vary in their shots as well. The four upgrades are namely, Rune Prison, Storm, Wolf Howl and Demon Gate.

Where are the wolf bow paintings?

Painting number one is located in the tower that is across the tele-porting device after you turn on the power. Painting number two is located in the trophy room, above the MPD room. Painting number three is located in the room which looks like a church.

Where is mule kick on Der Eisendrache?

Perk-A-Cola Machines

Machine Price Location
Stamin-Up 2000 Power Room, to the right of the Bowie Knife.
Double Tap 20 Root Beer 2000 Gate House, between the Tram Station and the Lower Courtyard.
Mule Kick 4000 Tunnel / Trophy Room, between the Tram Station and Upper Courtyard.

Where do I put the keycard in Cold War zombies?

Take Keycard and go to the Weapons Lab Machine. Insert the keycard in the weapons locker and a drawer will open.

What are key cards for In Cold War zombies?

This keycard is useable to spawn the D.I.E. Remote Control when used on the Weapons Lab computer.

What is NOVA Gas in real life?

The real version of “Nova 6” is a Soviet chemical weapon classified as a nerve agent. Nerve agents kill by shutting down the person’s respiratory and cardiac systems. The blistering effect you see in game is loosely based on blister agents, of which the WW1 weapon “mustard gas” is the most well-known representative.

How do I get the Nova 5 upgrade?

The box for the Nova 5 upgrade is in the Crash Site. It is against the Nacht der Untoten wall, between the wall and the broken wing of the crashed plane. Approach the box and press the activate button to attach the canister. After attaching the canister either shoot it or melee it to make it explode.