Why has sleep been called a wonder?

Why has sleep been called a wonder?

Answer: Sleep has been called a wonder because nobody knows for certain what brings about sleep. Secondly, it transports us to a strange land. It is the sweetest thing in the world. It is a sort of escape from reality.

What was Rasheed’s fault at the fair what lessons did you learn from his experience?

Rasheed’s fault was that he did not pay heed to the advice of his uncle. He told him not to buy anything nor to go too far away in his absence.

Why was Rasheed upset 6?

Rasheed was upset because he had hopes of winning a big prize and he continued trying his luck again and again. People were looking at him and laughing at his bad luck, but no one showed any sympathy. He played till he finished all his money. 6.

What did Rasheed get in his first attempt?

Rasheed saw an old man getting a beautiful clock worth 15 by trying his luck. A boy got a comb, a fountain-pen, a wrist watch and a table lamp after he tried his luck. Rasheed also wanted to get some big prizes.

Why did Rasheed lose all his money at the Lucky shop?

Rasheed was tempted to try his luck and win some big prize. He took several chances but won no expensive item. Thus, he lost all his money.

What did Uncle buy for Rasheed?

Answer : People were looking at Rasheed and were laughing at his bad luck, but none of them showed sympathy. Question 5 : What did Rasheed’s uncle buy for him? Answer : Rasheed’s uncle bought him a beautiful umbrella, biscuits and sweets and some other little gifts.

Who said it was just my bad luck?

Who said “No uncle” I said, ” it was just my bad luck” Bhaiya. Uncle Rasheed.

How would you describe Rasheed’s bad luck?

How would you describe Rasheed’s ‘bad luck’? Ans: Rasheed was neither unlucky nor foolish. He was an innocent boy while the shopkeeper was a cheat.

Why was the crocodile’s wife annoyed with her husband one day?

Answer: The crocodile’s wife was annoyed with her husband one day because the crocodile came home very late that day and she had to manage the little crocodiles all by herself.

What are the things normal people do that the poet talks about?

(ii) The poet talks about things that normal people do such as washing socks, wearing pyjamas, watching TV, picking their noses, living with their parents, not spelling right, being bad, making mistakes, getting punished, losing books, scribbling on desktops, wearing old dirty jeans, etc.

What does the poet want to pay back?

Answer. They poet thinks that it is difficult to pay back the poor man because his service and words of sympathy can not be paid back.

Where do all teachers go Ncert?

The poem, “Where Do All The Teachers Go?” mentions how for every child, his/her teacher is special. It is difficult for a small child to comprehend and accept that his/her teacher is an ordinary person like others. Students can refer to NCERT Solutions to learn other insights about the poem.

What is green class 6th English?

Ans. The coolness of the shade, hiding in shade, country breeze, flutter in spring, the sound of water trickle etc are few things that are not really, green but have been called as green by the poet.

What is green answer?

Answer: green is also a colour.

What do we plant class 6th English?

We plant the mast to carry the sail. We plant the planks to withstand the gales, The keel, the keelson, the beam, the knee; We plant the ship when we plant the tree.

What is green poem summary?

“The Ecchoing Green” is a joyful poem celebrating spring. The green fields, chirping birds, and playing children remind the elderly observers of their own youth and bring them joy as well. The theme of Nature; Nature is vibrant and dynamic in this poem of Blake. …

Why do the merry bells ring?

In the frist stanza, the poet says that the merry bells ring to welcome the spring.

Why does the poet use the term the Echoing Green?

Answer. The first stanza highlights the happiness of childhood. It’s during the period of childhood that one is powered with the God given intuition to perceive every natural object through the eyes of God. Green apart from signifying the scene of children’s sport refers to happiness and mirth of childhood!

Does laugh away care meaning?

Laugh away means forgetting the problems of life by being happy and laughing. ‘ Care’ here means the thoughts of being old and fear of death. Thus the lines mean that John, who is an old man with grey hair is also in the park and is laughing without caring about his old age and approaching death.

What type of poem is the Echoing Green?

‘The Ecchoing Green’ by William Blake is a three-stanza poem that embodies an AABBCCDDEE rhyme scheme throughout its course to present a theme that’s as beautiful as it is melancholy.

Does laugh away care?

Laugh away means forgetting the problems of life by being happy and laughing. ‘Care’ here means the thoughts of being old and fear of death. Thus the lines mean that John, who is an old man with grey hair is also in the park and is laughing without caring about his old age and approaching death.