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Why does Hester Prynne hate Chillingworth?

Why does Hester Prynne hate Chillingworth?

Why does Hester hate Chillingworth? She hates him for convincing her to marry him, even though she could never love him. She realized that at some point she would meet a man who she could love, and would eventually commit the sin of adultery. Hester refuses to answer Pearl’s question about the meaning of the “A”.

What does Chillingworth say about forgiveness?

What does Chillingworth say about forgiveness? he has done me a worse wrong than I have done him.” Who said it and what does it mean? What has Pearl put on herself ?

Why can’t Chillingworth be impartial?

– Chillingworth cannot be impartial because he has become so consumed with finding out Dimmesdale’s secret(s). He has convinced himself so much that Dimmesdale is hiding something from him, that he will stop at nothing to find out what it is.

How does Hester feel about Chillingworth?

Chillingworth is acting on his own; he is simply using his fate as an excuse. How does Hester feel about Chillingworth? Hester thinks Pearl is too young to understand and that she deserves better. Hester is determined to warn Dimmesdale about Chillingworth, but she will only meet him in the woods.

What was Hester’s feelings toward Chillingworth?

Despite her pity for Chillingworth in Chapter 14, Hester reveals her deep hatred for him in this chapter. She realizes that he set off a chain of events beginning with an unnatural, loveless marriage. “Be it sin or no, I hate the man!” is her final word on the subject.

Why is Pearl’s response to her mother’s questions concerning why she wears the scarlet letter ironic?

Then, in order to determine whether Pearl attaches any symbolic meaning to the letter, her mother asks if Pearl knows why she wears it. Ironically, Pearl replies that Hester wears the A for the same reason that the minister holds his hand over his heart.

What is Dimmesdale finally driven to do?

What is Dimmesdale finally driven to do? How does this act defeat Chillingworth? He was finally driven to stand with Hester and Pearl; Chillingworth can’t torture him anymore and now has nothing to live for.

Why does Pearl pull Hester away from Dimmesdale and Chillingworth?

Why does Pearl pull Hester away from Dimmesdale and Chillingworth? She suspects that Chillingworth is the devil. She is frightened by Dimmesdale’s pale appearance. She wants to play in the forest.