Helpful tips

Who makes the dressmaker sewing machine?

Who makes the dressmaker sewing machine?


How do you finish sewing seams?

At the end of your line of stitching, make a very tiny stitch (this stitch should go through both layers of fabric!) and pull the thread through. Now reinsert the needle and put it through the same stitch. Pull gently on the thread and you’ll see a loop forming. Pass your needle through the loop and begin to pull.

What is the cause of uneven stitch?

The most common reason for uneven stitches is old or inferior thread. Another cause for uneven stitches is the fabric is being pulled while sewing. When sewing it is important to remember to never pull the fabric – allow the fabric to be taken up by the sewing machine.

What is the definition of running stitch?

The straight or running stitch is the basic stitch in hand-sewing and embroidery, on which all other forms of sewing are based. The stitch is worked by passing the needle in and out of the fabric at a regular distance.

What is the meaning of feather stitch?

: an embroidery stitch consisting of a line of diagonal blanket stitches worked alternately to the left and right.

What is the meaning of French knot stitch?

: a decorative stitch made by winding the thread one or more times around the needle and drawing the needle back through the material at the point where it came out.

What stitch is similar to feather stitch?

Fly stitch is categorized with the featherstitches….Other looped stitches include:

  • Cretan stitch or Open Cretan stitch or faggoting stitch.
  • Closed Cretan stitch.
  • Fishbone stitch.
  • Fly stitch, a filling stitch made of single, detached tacked loops.
  • Loop stitch.
  • Scroll stitch.

What is French stitch?

A French seam encloses the seam allowance on the inside of a sewn item, so no raw edge is visible. This eliminates the need for another form of seam finish. It’s used most commonly on sheer fabric, so the seam blends with the fabric. Once you understand the steps, a French seam is fairly quick and easy to sew.