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Who can learn sludge wave?

Who can learn sludge wave?

This is a page on the move Sludge Wave, and the Pokemon who can learn this move in Pokemon Sword and Shield….By TM / TR.

Nidoqueen Nidoking Vileplume
Swampert Crawdaunt Cradily
Gastrodon Croagunk Toxicroak
Tympole Palpitoad Seismitoad
Trubbish Garbodor Frillish

What Pokemon can learn Poison jab?

This is a page on the move Poison Jab, and the Pokemon who can learn this move in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on to see the Power and Accuracy of Poison Jab, as well as its PP….By TM / TR.

Sandshrew Sandslash Nidoran♀
Seaking Mewtwo Mew
Dunsparce Qwilfish Sneasel
Combusken Blaziken Sableye
Roselia Sharpedo Roserade

Where is TM poison jab in Omega Ruby?

Mirage Mountain

Where to Get TM poison jab let’s go?

Pokémon Let’s Go TM list – TM locations and where to find them

TM No. TM Move Name Location
TM26 Poison Jab Celadon City – from man across pond by Rocket Corner.
TM27 Toxic Fuchsia City – defeat Gym Leader Koga
TM28 Tri Attack Celadon City – buy at Dept. Store
TM29 Scald Cerulean City – defeat Gym Leader Misty.

Where is the earthquake in ultra sun?

Technical Machines

No. Name Location
TM26 Earthquake Resolution Cave
TM27 Return Malie City
TM28 Leech Life Akala Outskirts
TM29 Psychic Aether Paradise

How do you get to Kala e bay?

Kala’e Bay can only be reached from Melemele Meadow. In Melemele Meadow, go southwest through the flowers to find a hole in the wall. Go into the hole, then go south. Go southwest to some water and Surf across it to find TM79 Frost Breath.

Where can I buy TMS ultra moon?

Go to Malie City and head to the Malasada shop to the left of the Pokemon Center. Talk to the Oranguru inside to get the TM!

What Pokemon can learn Moonblast?

This is a page on the move Moonblast, and the Pokemon who can learn this move in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on to see the Power and Accuracy of Moonblast, as well as its PP….By Level Up.

Hoothoot Noctowl Oddish
Spritzee Aromatisse Clefairy
Morelull Shiinotic Zacian
Zamazenta Swablu Altaria
Cresselia Carbink Xerneas