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Which term best describes this reaction condensation polymerization addition polymerization Hydrohalogenation hydration?

Which term best describes this reaction condensation polymerization addition polymerization Hydrohalogenation hydration?

Answer: The correct answer is addition polymerization. Polymerization is defined as the process in which a repeating unit known as monomers react together to form a large molecule known as polymer.

How are monomers and polymers related?

Monomers are small molecules, mostly organic, that can join with other similar molecules to form very large molecules, or polymers. Polymers are a class of synthetic substances composed of multiples of simpler units called monomers. Polymers are chains with an unspecified number of monomeric units.

What is a monomer for dummies?

A monomer is a small molecule that reacts with a similar molecule to form a larger molecule. It is the smallest unit in a polymer, which is often a macromolecule with high molecular weight. Monomers are the building blocks for biological macromolecules such as DNA, RNA, proteins and carbohydrates.

Is DNA a monomer or polymer?

The proteins we eat, and which we’re made of, are polymers made up of amino acids. And even our DNA is a polymer—it’s made of monomers called nucleotides.

What are DNA monomers called?


What are the real life applications of polymers?

Product made from polymers are all around us: clothing made from synthetic fibers, polyethylene cups, fiberglass, nylon bearings, plastic bags, polymer-based paints, epoxy glue, polyurethane foam cushion, silicone heart valves, and Teflon-coated cookware. The list is almost endless.

Why are polymers bad for the environment?

Landfill Accumulation Even beyond their persistence in oceans and water pollution from their production, synthetic polymers are a significant challenge on land because they are often disposed of in landfills where they will remain for centuries into the future slowly leaking toxins into soil as time passes.

What is the purpose of polymer?

The formation of polymers, long-chain molecules made of repeating units of monomers (the essential building… Organic polymers play a crucial role in living things, providing basic structural materials and participating in vital life processes. For example, the solid parts of all plants are made up of polymers.

What are some useful polymers?

Shikha Goyal

S. No. Polymer Use
1. Polythene Packaging, material, carry bags, bottles.
2. Teflon Nonstick Kitchen ware
3. Polypropene Bottles, Crates
4. Melamine Crockery

Are polymer guns better than steel?

Polymer Guns are Reliable They are far lighter than their steel counterparts. On average, they are also significantly less expensive. They are also far more dependable and will not rust over time.

Is polymer stronger than metal?

Polymer weighs less, is cheaper to manufacture, resists the elements much better, is easier to maintain, and it is stronger than metal.