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Which of the following is a disadvantage of standardization in product and service design?

Which of the following is a disadvantage of standardization in product and service design?

A disadvantage of standardization is the possibility of standardizing designs too early, which may make them difficult to modify in the future. Reducing consumer choices makes service more efficient. Product failures can be easier to remedy with modular design.

What is a possible disadvantage of modular design?

One possible disadvantage of modular design is that: the number of configurations of modules decreases. Modular design is a form of standardization in which component parts are subdivided into modules that are easily replaced or interchanged. It allows: easier diagnosis and remedy of failures.

Which of the following is an issue that designers must take into account in product and service design?

Service design often must take into account the degree of customer contact required. Customer contact is a critical service design issue. Reliability refers to the ability of a product to perform its intended function under normal conditions. Failure means that the part or item does not function as it should.

What is the term used to describe an approach that integrates the voice of the customer into the product and service development?

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) (143): An approach that integrates the “voice of the customer” into both product and service development.

What are the benefits of quality function deployment?

Major benefits of quality function deployment (QFD)

  • A systematic way of obtaining information and presenting it.
  • Shorter product development cycle.
  • Considerably reduced start-up costs.
  • Fewer engineering changes.
  • Reduced chance of overnights during design process.
  • An environment of team work.
  • Consensus decision.
  • Everything is preserved in writing.

What is Quality Function Deployment and why is it important?

Quality Function Deployment benefits companies primarily by ensuring they bring products to market that customers actually want, thanks to listening to customer preferences at the beginning of the design process and then mandating these needs and desires are met throughout every aspect of the design and development …

What is another name for quality function deployment?

Quality Glossary Definition: Quality function deployment (QFD) Also called: matrix product planning, decision matrices, customer-driven engineering. Every organization has customers.

What is House of quality in Total Quality Management?

The House of Quality (HOQ) is defined as a product planning matrix that is built to show how customer requirements relate directly to the ways and methods companies can use to achieve those requirements. HOQ is considered the primary tool used during quality function deployment to help facilitate group decision making.

What is another name for quality function deployment QFD )?

QFD is a structured method that uses the seven management and planning tools to identify and prioritize customers’ expectations quickly and effectively. Quality professionals refer to QFD by many names, including matrix product planning, decision matrices, and customer driven engineering.

When should QFD be used?

QFD is used to translate customer requirements (or VOC) into measureable design targets and drive them from the assembly level down through the sub-assembly, component and production process levels. QFD methodology provides a defined set of matrices utilized to facilitate this progression.

What are the types of requirements in quality function deployment QFD )?

What are the types of requirement in Quality Function Deployment (QFD) ? Explanation: According to QFD, Normal, Expected and Exciting requirements maximizes customer satisfaction from the Software Engineering Process.

How quality is determined?

Quality is therefore determined by the extent to which a product or service successfully serves the purposes of the user during usage (not just at the point of sale). The inherent characteristics of a product or service created to satisfy customer needs, expectations and requirements are quality characteristics.

What are the three levels of quality?

The levels of quality that the authors talk about are:

  • Acceptable quality.
  • Appropriate quality.
  • Aspirational quality.

What are 4 types of quality control?

Four Types of Quality Control

  • Which type of quality control focuses on making sure the processes are functioning correctly? Acceptance sampling. Process protocol. Process control. Control charts.
  • Setting up an inspection plan is what type of quality control? Process control. Acceptance sampling. Control charts. Inspection.

What are some examples of quality?

The definition of a quality is a distinctive characteristic or trait. An example of quality is kindness. Quality is a judgment of how excellent something or someone is. An example of quality is a product that won’t break easily.

What is the meaning of quality service?

Quality service is dealing with clients and customers in a respectful and helpful way. An example of quality service is a retail worker helping a customer process a return in an efficient and helpful manner. noun.

What is a good definition of quality?

Quality refers to how good something is compared to other similar things. In other words, its degree of excellence. When used to describe people, it refers to a distinctive characteristic or attribute that they possess. In this sense, we can also use the term for things.

What is a high quality product?

If a high-quality product is one with superior performance or a large number of features, it will generally be more expensive, and will sell in smaller volumes. But if quality is defined as fitness for use, superior aesthetics, or improved conformance, high quality need not be accompanied by premium prices.

Why is product quality important?

A quality product creates unshakeable customer loyalty that generates increased leads. When customers find a product they trust, they return, make repeat purchases, and recommend the product or service to others. Creating quality products will continue to be the most important thing to customers.

How can you improve quality?

Five Steps to Improved Manufacturing Quality

  1. Use a Team Mindset.
  2. Define Quality from the Customer Perspective.
  3. Develop Organizational Understanding of the Cost of Quality.
  4. Solve Problems Completely.
  5. Employ Strong Process Discipline.

Do customers prefer quality over price?

A study shows that marketers of relatively high-priced products should consider keeping prices high, as many consumers associate high price with high quality. “It’s because when people prefer to buy local, they more frequently base their decisions on price as a perception of quality.”

Does higher price mean better quality?

( — A new Cornell study finds that while higher prices may generate a more positive view of products, a higher price tag doesn’t mean consumers will necessarily buy them. Consumers tend to think that the more things cost, the more they’re worth.

Is it better to increase price by 1 percent or increase customer base by 1 percent?

That depends on how elastic the product you sell is. Its better to increase customer base by 1%(if you can) because 1% increase in price might result in less people buying your product and you will not benefit from the raise. If you increase your customer base, even at the same price you will get more profit.

What is the relationship between price and quality?

That is; the higher the price, the higher the quality. One might infer from this that some consumers also believe that if they choose an alternative in the mid range of prices, they will get an average quality product; and that if they purchase the lowest priced alternative, they get the lowest quality product.

What are the 4 costs of quality?

The Cost of Quality can be divided into four categories. They include Prevention, Appraisal, Internal Failure and External Failure. Within each of the four categories there are numerous possible sources of cost related to good or poor quality.

Is price an indicator of quality?

The impressive research done in pricing is about the consumer’s quality perception and their quality of products. Consumers perceive price as the prime indicator to presume the quality of the product. Thus, price signals the quality. The point is very vastly mentioned in the marketing literature.

What is the meaning of cost of quality?

Cost of quality (COQ) is defined as a methodology that allows an organization to determine the extent to which its resources are used for activities that prevent poor quality, that appraise the quality of the organization’s products or services, and that result from internal and external failures.

What is cost of quality in project management?

Cost of quality, or COQ, refers to the total costs needed to bring products or services up to standards defined by project management professionals. To determine the cost of quality, combine the costs of conformance and the costs of non-conformance.