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Which number rounds to 8200 when rounded to the nearest hundred?

Which number rounds to 8200 when rounded to the nearest hundred?

The answers are 10 to go up to 8,200 and 90 to go down to 8,100. As 8,200 is closer, it is the answer to rounding 8,190 to the nearest 100.

What is the hundreds nearest to 627?

627 becomes 600 rounded to the nearest hundred. The digit 2 in the tens place is 5. So, round down by putting zeros in both the tens and ones place.

How do you round thousands to hundreds?

To round a number to the nearest hundred, the digit in tens place is considered. If > = 5 rounded up and if < 5 rounded down. To round a number to the nearest thousand, the digit in hundreds place is considered. If > = 5, rounded up and if < 5 rounded down.

What is the hundreds place in rounding?

When rounding to the nearest hundred, look at the TENS DIGIT of the number. If that digit is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, you will round down to the previous hundred. If that digit is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, you will round up to the next hundred.

How do you round to the nearest hundred?

The rule for rounding to the nearest hundred is to look at the tens digit. If it is 5 or more, then round up. If it is 4 or less, then round down. Basically,in each hundred, all numbers up to 49 round down and numbers from 50 to 99 round up to the next hundred.

What is 79 to the nearest 10?

So 79 is closer to 80 than 70 on the number line and it rounds up to 80.

What is 475 rounded to the nearest 10?

475 is between 470 and 480 and rounded to the nearest 10 is 480.

What is the nearest tens of 75847?

Hence, Round off the given number $75847$ to the nearest tens is $75850$….

Given Number Approximate rounded form to nearest
75847 Ten thousands

What is 200 to the nearest 100?

How to round to the nearest 100

Steps Ex. 1 Ex. 2
Let’s round a number to the nearest 100. 441 178
Underline the ten’s place. 441 178
If it is less than 5, round down. 400
If it is 5 or more, round up. 200

What is 246 to the nearest hundred?

To round a number to the nearest hundred, you make it into the hundred that is closest. Take the number 246, for example, which is between 200 and 300. It is closer to 200. So 246 rounded to the nearest hundred is 200.

What is the nearest hundred of 2826?

2826 rounded to the nearest 100 is 2800.

What does Unit 8200 stand for in Hebrew?

Jump to navigation Jump to search. Unit 8200 (Hebrew: יחידה 8200‎, Yehida shmonae -Matayim- “Unit eight – two hundred”) is an Israeli Intelligence Corps unit responsible for collecting signal intelligence (SIGINT) and code decryption.

What was the original name of Unit 8200?

Unit 8200 was established in 1952 using primitive surplus American military equipment. Originally, it was called the 2nd Intelligence Service Unit and then the 515th Intelligence Service Unit. In 1954, the unit moved from Jaffa to its current base at the Glilot junction.

How old do you have to be to join Unit 8200?

Unit 8200 is staffed primarily by 18–21 year old conscripts. Selection and recruitment to the unit usually occurs at age 18 through the IDF screening process after high school. However, the unit also scouts potential younger recruits through after-school computer classes.

When was Duqu discovered by Unit 8200?

Duqu is a collection of computer malware discovered on 1 September 2011. It is alleged to be the creation of Unit 8200. Former soldiers of Unit 8200 have gone on to found many IT companies, among them: