Which is the most popular blogging site?

Which is the most popular blogging site?


How do I organize blogs to read?

5 Steps to Organizing the Blogs You Follow

  1. Don’t Be a Hero. There are tools that make tracking your selected blogs and news sites easy.
  2. Use an RSS Feed Reader (a.k.a. “news reader”)
  3. Add Feeds to Your Reader. First, look for the RSS symbol on any blog or news feed.
  4. Subscribe by Email (if you dare)
  5. Exercise Discipline (Dammit!)

How do you keep up with a blog?

By far, the easiest way to keep up with blogs is to subscribe to them—it’s free, you don’t have to constantly check to see if there’s something new, and if you want to click over and read on the actual site, you can—the link comes to you, in whatever inbox you use to receive the blog’s feed.

What are categories on a blog?

A blog category is a topic you address on your blog. Your category list is like the table of contents for your blog. Categories are broad and can encompass smaller, more defined topics (i.e., tags). A category title should be descriptive and can be several words long.

What types of blogs are popular?

Revealed: Which are the Most Popular Types of Blogs?

  1. Fashion Blogs. Fashion blogs are one of the most popular types of blogs on the internet.
  2. Food Blogs. Food blogs are another popular blog type.
  3. Travel Blogs. Travel blogs are becoming more popular each day.
  4. Music Blogs.
  5. Lifestyle Blogs.
  6. Fitness Blogs.
  7. DIY Blogs.
  8. Sports Blogs.

What is Category example?

The definition of a category is any sort of division or class. An example of category is food that is made from grains. A class or division in a scheme of classification. Any of the various basic concepts into which all knowledge can be classified.

What tags should I use on my blog?

Use tags like the index of your blog.

  • DO use tags liberally.
  • DO have fun with tags.
  • DO use descriptive tags that can stand on their own and still be clear.
  • DON’T capitalize tags.
  • DON’T create a tag that only applies to one post.
  • DON’T use tags that are just duplicates of your categories.
  • DON’T use too many tags.

Should I use tags on my blog?

Tags on your blog posts can make it easier for readers to find what they’re looking for. They can help search engine crawlers understand the content that’s on your site. With the right tracking tools, your tags can even show you which direction your new content should take.

How do I add tags to my blog?

Hover over the blog post and click Edit. In the blog post editor, navigate to the Settings tab. To add an existing tag, click the Tags dropdown menu and select the tag….To create a new tag:

  1. Click the Tags dropdown menu.
  2. Type your tag in the field.
  3. Click + Add [“name of your new tag”] tag to add the new tag.

How many tags should a blog post have?

10 tags

Do hashtags work on Blogger?

You can see what’s trending, but you can also search hashtags to see if anyone is using it or if a hashtag is already trending. I find it really useful when writing blog posts to include hashtags if the topic is relevant to what people might be searching for, so that my post can be grouped with other posts.

What should I write in my blogger description?

Enable Search Description on Blogger/Blogspot

  1. Go to Blogger Dashboard.
  2. Click on the Setting menu on the left sidebar.
  3. Next, click on the Search preferences.
  4. Look for Meta tags > Description.
  5. Click on the Edit text.
  6. Check the Yes radio button to Enable search description.

How do you add labels to Blogger?

Add labels to your post

  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. To open the editor view, click an existing post or click New post .
  3. On the right, click Labels .
  4. Enter a label or click an existing label. To add more than one label to a post, separate labels with commas.

How do I make sub labels in Blogger?

Labeling Blog Posts

  1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard and select the blog you want to edit.
  2. Mouse over the post you want to add categorized subheaders to and then select “Edit.” Click “Labels” on the right side of the Blogger interface.
  3. Press “Done” when you’re finished adding your categories.

How do I show a post from a specific label in Blogger?

Go to Layout Design > Page Elements. Click Add A Gadget. In Add A Gadget window, select HTML/Javascript . Enter a label as the title of your widget….

  1. Replace YOUR_LABEL (line 21) with the label.
  2. Replace the value of SHOW_HOW_MANY (line 21) with the number of posts you want to display.

How do I create a drop down menu in blogger?

How to create dropdown menus

  1. Go to the “Layout” section of the dashboard:
  2. Click the Edit button in the “Pages” gadget:
  3. Click the “+ Add external link” button to add a new menu item: In the options that pop up, you can enter a “Page title” and “Web address”. The “Page title” is the text which will be displayed for the menu item.

What is a blog menu?

At the most basic level, a WordPress menu is a collection or list of links. Each link in a menu is called a menu item. Some menu items may have sub-menu items that are displayed in a drop down menu.

How can I add menu bar in Blogger?

To edit the menu in Blogger:

  1. Log in to your Blogger Dashboard.
  2. Go to Layout-> Pages -> Edit. This will take you to Configure Page List.
  3. Click “Add Link” to add links.
  4. If you need a multi-level menu please enter “-” (dash) before the Subitem name, for example: “-Submenu Item”.
  5. Click Save.

How do you add meta tags to Blogger?

Step by Step to add Different Meta tags description For Each Post in your blogspot blog.

  1. Step 1 Install title tags optimized. include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/>
  2. Step 2 Add Meta tag Description and Meta Keywords.
  3. Step 3 Change The Blue Text To Your Own.
  4. Step 4 Your Final code Should be like below.

How do I add a meta tag to my Google site?

If you need to add meta tags to a site (to, for example, verify site ownership with Google) follow these steps:

  1. Click Publish.
  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3. Under Meta Tags, enter each meta tag in name=content format (one pair per line), where name is the name of the meta tag and content is its content.
  4. Click Publish Changes.