Helpful tips

Where is oakheart in Tree of Life?

Where is oakheart in Tree of Life?

the jade palace

How do I talk to Wavebringer?

Re: Wavebringer Do the dungeon and after you do the shrines you’ll be able to defeat him and then you can talk to him….

Where is Duskwind tunic recipe?

Quick List. The recipes below all cost 1500 gold , Use an equipment crafting station and have a cooldown. The vendor for the Duskwind Tunic (death) Can be found in MooShu’s ancient burial grounds. Its the underground area near the 3 main teleports.

Where do you get transmute diamond in wizard101?

It’s called “Transmute Diamond.” You can buy it from Felicia Worthington in Marleybone (near the balloon car station) or from Avery Templeton in Celestia Base Camp (back left corner near the entrance to the Survey Camp)….

How do I get Gravitite?

For best mining results, mine as close to the bottom of an island as you can without falling, as that usually results in losing items. Then, strip mine through the island to search for the ore. Another way to find Gravitite Ore is to bridge out around the bottom of the island once you mine to the bottom.

Where do you get aethyr dust in wizard101?

as of now the only way to collect aethyr ore/dust is to go around all over Empyrea.

Where do you get the participation trophy in wizard101?

A reagent bought with arena tickets. Sold by: Sir Nigel Higgenbottom (800 Arena Tickets)

Where can I find Ghost fire?

For Ghost Fire, go to the Reagent Vendors in Dragonspyre or higher worlds, for Diamonds you collect Ore, and Black Lotus is mostly in MooShu but also in the Floating Land of Celestia.

Where do you get black Lotus in Wizard101?


Ancient Burial Grounds Cave of Solitude Jade Palace
Kishibe Village Shirataki Temple Tree of Life
Village of Sorrow

Where do you get perfect Onyx in Wizard101?

Where to Get the Reagents. Perfect Onyx: You can buy Perfect Onyx for 100 gold a piece in the Celestia Base Camp from the vendor Archytas.

How do you make a deer Knight spell?

By crafting Deer knight spell from Recipe: Deer knight ( you need to be Legendary Artisan Crafter in order to buy the Recipe from Grady for (12,000 Gold) and craft it ) By buying some Knight’s Lore Packs you can get the spell as a drop from the pack as well as other spells.

What are the chances of getting a spell from the loremaster?

Athina calculated that chances of getting a regular Loremaster spell is about every 70 battles while seasonal spells take less than 20 battles.

Who sells deer Knight recipe?

The vendor who sells the recipe for crafting Deer Knight is in Avalon. You have to defeat the Indigo Giant in the Wyrd before you can purchase from Grady, who appears after the defeat.