Helpful tips

Where does Andy Boy romaine lettuce come from?

Where does Andy Boy romaine lettuce come from?

All of our romaine lettuce and romaine hearts are harvested in the Salinas Valley in California.

Are romaine hearts safe to eat?

As of January 15, 2020, this outbreak appears to be over. Contaminated romaine lettuce that made people sick in this outbreak harvested from the Salinas Valley growing region in California is no longer available for sale. CDC is no longer advising that people avoid romaine lettuce from this growing region.

Are romaine hearts prewashed?

RSS WT Romaine Hearts are pre-washed with outer leaves removed, saving prep time and allowing total freedom to create healthy, delicious salads.

How long do hearts of romaine last?

7-10 Days

Is it okay to eat lettuce with red edges?

The redness of the roots of the lettuce is the result of oxidation, and the chlorophyll is oxidized. It is non-toxic and can be eaten. If you find that the roots of the lettuce or the edges of the leaves are red, the iron in the lettuce is oxidized, indicating that it is not fresh.

Does Listerine kill E coli?

coli and staph due to splash-back from the sink and toilet. This is where mouthwash can be extremely useful. It can kill bacteria in your mouth as well as your toothbrush. Place your brush in a cup of mouthwash for about 10 minutes.

Is it OK to microwave a sponge?

1. Microwave. The microwave was one of the next most effective, zapping 99.9% of germs. Do this by putting the sponge in the microwave, saturating it in water (we used 1/4 cup for scrub sponges and 1/2 cup for cellulose), then heating it on high for one minute (scrub) or two minutes (cellulose).

Does boiling kitchen sponges kill bacteria?

According to the German study, regularly sanitizing sponges by popping them in the microwave or boiling them in water doesn’t make them germ-free, and in fact, two types of bacteria were more prominent on the “sanitized” sponges than on unwashed ones.

Why do sponges smell so bad?

There are many reasons why a sponge smells but the primary reason is from cleaning dirty dishes or counter tops, food particles get trapped in the sponges pores. As the food particles start to decompose, the sponge begins to sour and smell bad.