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Where do you get rock smash in Black 2?

Where do you get rock smash in Black 2?

Here’s the list of the TMs and HMs found in Pokemon Black 2 and White 2. Locations are being updated with the Walkthrough….Technical Machines.

TM # Move Location
TM94 Rock Smash Virbank Complex after GYM Battle.
TM95 Snarl Lostlorne Forest

How do you get to the clay tunnel in Pokemon Black 2?

Clay Tunnel (Japanese: ヤーコンロード Yakon Road) is a cave in the western half of the Unova region, exclusive to Black 2 and White 2. It connects Driftveil City, Twist Mountain, Mistralton Cave, and Underground Ruins. It can be accessed once the player has entered the Hall of Fame.

What Pokemon can smash rocks?

The 10 Best Pokemon To Learn Rock Smash

  1. 1 Scizor. Another ability that can improve the use of Rock Smash is Technician, which adds fifty percent more power to any moves it uses with 60 power or less.
  2. 2 Togekiss.
  3. 3 Flareon.
  4. 4 Treecko.
  5. 5 Zigzagoon.
  6. 6 Urshifu.
  7. 7 Tapu Bulu.
  8. 8 Galarian Zapdos.

Where do you get rock smash Ruby?


  1. Go to Mauville City. Enter the city via Route 110.
  2. Find the gray house on the right of the Poké Mart. Head north from Route 110, to the center of town.
  3. Enter the gray house and talk to the man at the table inside. He is scientist who calls himself “Rock Smash Dude.” He will give you HM Rock Smash.

How do you break rocks in Pokemon Black?

  1. Michael answered: If a Pokemon knows Rock Smash, it can indeed smash rocks.
  2. Guest answered: Once you have what you need, a Pokemon can use Rock Smash can smash rocks.
  3. naroto2323 answered: To use rock smash you need a pokemom that can learn rock smash.
  4. Guest answered: Rock Smash is NOT a field move in generation 5.

Where is rock smash in hoenn?

Use Route 110 after Slateport City to get to Mauville City. Head to the right of the Poke Mart to find the Rock Smash Guy’s house. It’s the house directly to the right of the Poke Mart, across the path. After asking you to call him a new name, he’ll give you HM06 Rock Smash.

Where do I get rock smash platinum?

Specific Location: Smash the rocks that are located next to Dr. Footstep’s house. It can also be purchased from the Battle Frontier for 40 BP after defeating the Elite Four.

Can psyduck learn rock smash?

It can learn Strength, Surf, Flash, Rock Smash, and Waterfall. Psyduck/Golduck will probably never learn Flash as Flash is only useful in Rock Tunnel and Cerulean Cave. Skarmony can learn Cut, Fly, and Rock Smash.

What Pokemon can learn Cut and rock smash?
