Helpful tips

Where do I put substantiating files in DTS?

Where do I put substantiating files in DTS?

Add receipts and other substantiating documents: Select the “paper clip” or “yellow triangle” icons in the Document column and follow the prompts. Trip Workbook, or a location outside DTS onto the line that shows the expense you want to associate with the image.

What authority selects the authorized transportation mode for all TDY destinations?

The traveler’s AO selects the authorized transportation mode for a particular trip. You would prefer to take a train to your TDY location rather than fly, as the AO has authorized.

What is a DTS authorization?

A DTS authorization is a document used to generate a cost estimate for official travel outside your local area and obtain approval for the trip.

How do I add substantiating documents in DTS voucher 2020?

Upload receipts in to Substantiating Records. Select the Browse button, locate/select the receipts saved to the computer, then choose the Upload button. The next page of the instructions will provide a visual of what this will look like when the document has uploaded.

How do I cancel a DTS authorization?

On the DTS Dashboard, select Options > Cancel Trip next to an authorization. The Cancel Trip message opens. Note: The link is not available if DTS detects any incurred expenses.

How do I sign DTS authorization?

On the DTS Dashboard, select Create New Document, then Voucher. 2. Select Create Voucher next to an authorization. DTS creates the voucher using the information in the authorization and opens it on the Review Trip Voucher screen.

What does POS ACK received mean in DTS?

The document is stamped POS ACK RECEIVED to serve as acknowledgement that an obligation has been posted in the accounting system. Advances and Scheduled Partial Payments (SPPs) are scheduled for payment.

How do I get out of view only in DTS?

If the “view/edit” link is used, from the Adjustments screen, select the “view/edit” link for the most current version of the document. b. From the View Only screen, deselect/uncheck the “Open Document VIEW-ONLY” box and select the “OK” button.

When creating a group authorization What does the star next to a persons name indicate?

When creating a group authorization, what does the star next to a person’s name indicate? u created a group authorization and the AO has approved it.

Can you bring your family on TDY?

As a spouse you can’t go on deployment with your spouse, it’s impossible and dangerous don’t do it. However, you can travel in conjunction with your spouse when they go on remote tours and most especially on a TDY. TDY’s can be as short as just a couple of days and as long as a couple of months.