Helpful tips

Where can I buy arrows in vanilla Orgrimmar?

Where can I buy arrows in vanilla Orgrimmar?


Name Location stack
Asoran Orgrimmar 200
Jin’sora Orgrimmar 200
Jazzik The Barrens 200
Narianna Moonglade 200

Where can I buy arrows in Ironforge classic wow?


Name Location Stock
Bryllia Ironbrand Ironforge
Kuruk Thunder Bluff
Starn Thousand Needles
Avette Fellwood Duskwood

Where can I buy bullets in Stormwind?

Alliance Ammo Vendors

Location Vendor Title Ammo Vendor
The Trade District, Stormwind City Bow & Arrow Merchant Frederick Stover
The Trade District, Stormwind City Bow & Gun Merchant Lina Stover
The Dwarven District, Stormwind City Guns Vendor Thulman Flintcrag
Auberdine, Darkshore General Goods Dalmond

Where can I buy guns in Stormwind?

Lina Stover is a level 30 human bow and gun vendor located in the Trade District in Stormwind City. She can be found just inside The Empty Quiver, the shop in which she works.

Can you buy gear in wow?

Yes. You can buy items from shop.

Where can I buy weapons in Ironforge?

Thalgus Thunderfist <Weapon Merchant> This NPC can be found in Ironforge (2).

Where can I buy armor in Ironforge?

Ingrys Stonebrow is a level 30 cloth armor vendor located at Maeva’s Mystic Apparel in the Mystic Ward, in the dwarf city of Ironforge.

Can Druids use polearms in WoW Classic?

Druids cannot use polearms.

Can Druids use spears?

Yep. If you look in your original game manual for vanilla, you’ll see Druids being able to learn spears, but they were not able to for whatever reason, up until a few patches ago.