Helpful tips

When should I take Andrews liver salts?

When should I take Andrews liver salts?

Take before breakfast or at bedtime. Use within 3 months of opening. Check inner seal is intact before first use.

Is Andrews good for acid reflux?

Andrews Heartburn & Indigestion Remedies Relieve your heartburn and indigestion with ease.

How long do Andrews Salts take to work?

Epsom salt usually produces a bowel movement within 30 minutes to six hours. After four hours, the dose can be repeated if you don’t get results. But taking more than two doses of Epsom salt daily isn’t recommended.

Can I take Andrews salts when breastfeeding?

Yes, it is absolutely safe for a breastfeeding mom to take antacids as directed. The calcium and magnesium in antacids like Maalox and Tums are absorbed into your bloodstream, but they won’t have a significant effect on your breast milk.

Can a breastfeeding mother drink guava leaves?

Guava leaf tea is generally safe and without significant side effects. It might cause mild constipation in some people, and its safety is unknown during pregnancy or breastfeeding. …19-may, 2020

Is indigestion a sign of a heart attack?

Heartburn itself can accompany other symptoms of heart attack. Typical heart attack signs and symptoms include: Pressure, tightness, pain, or a squeezing or aching sensation in your chest or arms that may spread to your neck, jaw or back. Nausea, indigestion, heartburn or abdominal pain.

How can you tell the difference between a heart attack and acidity?

The main difference between symptoms is that:

  1. Heartburn tends to be worse after eating and when lying down, but a heart attack can happen after a meal, too.
  2. Heartburn can be relieved by drugs that reduce acid levels in the stomach.
  3. Heartburn does not cause more general symptoms, such as breathlessness.

What is the best replacement for ranitidine?

FDA recommended alternatives to Zantac (ranitidine) include:

  • Prilosec (omeprazole)
  • Nexium (esomeprazole)
  • Prevacid (lansoprazole)
  • Pepcid (famotidine)
  • Tagamet (cimetidine)