When in the ceremony Do you do the unity sand?

When in the ceremony Do you do the unity sand?

It’s especially powerful for blended families with children, as it’s a visual way to represent the coming together of two groups into one. The tradition is usually performed during the wedding ceremony, and many couples display their vessels of blended sand in their new homes as a reminder of their union.

Who lights the unity candle?

The unity candle is lit by the bride and groom from two separate family candles, representing the union of your families and the fact that you and your fiance are creating a family of your own.

What is a joining ceremony?

A unity ceremony, usually woven into the wedding ceremony itself, serves to symbolize the joining of lives, families and communities. Most importantly, it showcases your unique background, beliefs and especially your creativity.

Are unity candles necessary?

Is a unity candle necessary? Unity candles are definitely not necessary. It is simply something extra you can opt for on the big day.

What symbolizes candle?

The candle symbolizes light in the darkness of life especially individual life, illlumination; it is the symbol of holy illumination of the spirit of truth. Its components also have great meaning: wax – pure flesh or humanity, wick – soul, light – love, divinity, flame – godhead, fire – obedience, heat – humility.

What do you do with the unity candle after the wedding?

It can be a simple taper, a plain white or ivory pillar candle, or a fancy decorated candle. After the wedding, the candle can be converted to an “anniversary” candle, that you re-light on each anniversary.

What is the sand ceremony at a wedding?

Like a unity candle ceremony, a unity sand ceremony is all about the newlywed couple demonstrating they have officially come together as one. Typically, the event is performed during the vows, with the bride and groom opting to either stay silent or give a speech during the process.