Helpful tips

What stats are good for cleric?

What stats are good for cleric?

Wisdom (WIS) is your most important stat, followed closely by Constitution (CON) and Strength (STR). How you want to play your cleric will determine how important STR ultimately is, but remember that no matter how you build your DDO character, CON determines your hit points (HP) and thus, your survivability.

Does a cleric need charisma?

Short answer: Charisma is not a great dump stat for a cleric unless your vision of a cleric is “a spell caster who can hit things in the head.” Clerics by the nature of their profession are people persons.

Does a cleric need a God?

No, clerics are classically following a deity, but some rare few can also draw power from worship of lesser entities, even strong philosophies and beliefs.

Can a Tiefling be a cleric?

Like humans, tieflings aren’t particularly inclined towards good or evil, and a tiefling could serve as a cleric to any deity. Worth noting that evil deities have clerics too, so you find clerics at all ends of the alignment spectrum. Yes. Any race + any class can work.

Can Tieflings be gray?

Tiefling bloodlines On the other hand, abyssal tieflings possess similar traits but with very clear differences; their skin is generally Sulfur Yellow, Grey or Yellow Green, they have tails, but have a spine on the end instead of a fork.

Can Tieflings take fire damage?

Tieflings have Fire Resistance 5, so as long as a source of fire damage can only do 5 or less damage to them in a single instance, they are functionally immune to that fire – it cannot do them any damage.

Can Tieflings be half elf?

No, you cannot have hybrids like this. From a lore and fluff perspective, the Infernal nature of the bloodline may be a recessive trait, which is why the whole family could look normal and then one day they have a Tiefling child.

Do Tieflings have Tiefling parents?

Tieflings can come from either tiefling OR human parents. Tieflings are either born from other tieflings, or are born from humans who have distant fiendish blood or corruption upon them… THEY ARE NOT DIRECTLY RELATED TO A DEVIL.