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What part of speech is Bane?

What part of speech is Bane?


part of speech: noun
definition 1: something or someone that causes ruin or great trouble. He lamented that drink was the bane of his life. similar words: destruction, downfall, poison, scourge
definition 2: a deadly poison. similar words: poison

What is Bane or boon?

The difference between Bane and Boon. When used as nouns, bane means a cause of misery or death, whereas boon means a prayer. Bane is also verb with the meaning: to kill, especially by poison. Boon is also adjective with the meaning: good.

Why is science a boon?

Science is a boon or benefit to us because it provides us with a systematic way of asking and answering questions about the observable physical and living things around us. Science provides us with a way to model possible outcomes by using the experimentation model with controlled variables.

Is science and technology a boon or bane?

Science and technology have been great assets for mankind. They have made our lives comfortable. Science and technology if used positively take us to greater heights in our development but if used negatively can also completely ruin us. …

Is science a boon or bane reflect on it?

Science is a double-edged weapon of the modern world. it is a boon as well as a bane. it is so because the changes that it has brought are useful as wee as harmful. it is such an effective tool that it has completely changed the complexion of the world.

What is the advantages and disadvantages of science?

Science is not intrinsically good or bad. It is a way to acquire knowledge in a systematic way. The disadvantage of new mobile phones is too many can communicate with us all at the same time.

Is human development a boon or bane?

Answer Expert Verified Development is both a boon and a bane. Agricultural development has helped a lot in increasing and improving production of farms and helped lot of villagers too. Only when the same is overdone and affects the the natural balance, it is a bane.