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What nickname does Harley Quinn call Joker?

What nickname does Harley Quinn call Joker?


What other names does the Joker go by?

Renowned as Batman’s greatest enemy, the Joker is known by a number of nicknames, including the Clown Prince of Crime, the Harlequin of Hate, the Ace of Knaves, and the Jester of Genocide.

Does Joker like Harley?

No he doesn’t. The sucide squad just glamoured their abusive relationship. Joker doesn’t love anyone. The suicide squad and any attempt to make Joker/Harley about “he beats her but deep down he loves her” doesn’t understand how deep and rich Harley Quinn character truly is.

What does Harley Quinn call the Joker in Suicide Squad?

Mistah J

What is a Puddin?

pudding (Sc. 1706 Just Reflections on a Nonsensical Pasquil 7). [ ′pʌd(ɪ)n] 1. A type of sausage made from the stomach or entrails of a pig, sheep or similar animal stuffed with various mixtures of oatmeal, onions, suet, seasoning, blood, etc., and boiled and stored for future use.

Why does Harley Quinn jump into acid?

In the film, Dr. In the film, Harleen Quinzel voluntary jumps into a vat of acid that turns her into Harley Quinn on her own accord simply because her love and obsession for the Joker trounced her own vision of self-worth simply because the Joker asked her if she “would die for him.”

Did Ivy really die?

DC Universe’s Harley Quinn has been better than expected. And in episode 11, Harley took yet another emotional hit — her best, friend Poison Ivy, was killed.

Why did poison ivy evolve?

Scientists speculate urushiol evolved as an antimicrobial defense agent, says Susan Pell, protecting the poison ivy plant against infection…. but not as a defense against people.

Why are humans allergic to poison ivy?

The sap of the poison ivy plant, also known as Toxicodendron radicans, contains an oil called urushiol. This is the irritant that causes an allergic reaction and rash. You don’t even have to come in direct contact with the plant to have a reaction.

Is there poison ivy in Korea?

rydbergii (western poison ivy) are found in western North America, and T. orientale in Taiwan, Japan, Korea and Sakhalin.

Is poison ivy good for anything?

The leaves are used to make medicine. Homeopathic preparations of Poison ivy are used to treat pain, rheumatoid arthritis, menstrual period problems, swelling, and itchy skin disorders.

Is there poison ivy in Japan?

Poison ivy grows throughout North America in all U.S. states east of the Rocky Mountains, the Canadian Maritime provinces, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and mountainous parts of Mexico, according to the USDA. It also grows in Asia in Japan, Taiwan, Russian islands and parts of China.

What does Rydbergii mean?

Names: The genus name, Toxicodendron, means ‘poison tree’ and is used for the various poison ivies. The species name rydbergii, is named after Per Axel Rydberg (1860-1931), Swedish-American Botanist. In Eloise Butler’s time the species was known as Rhus toxicodendron L. Rydberg (‘Rydb.

Is it illegal to plant poison ivy?

It is perfectly legal, in the United States at least, to plant poisonous flowers or plants in your yard or garden, and indeed very many popular garden plants and even houseplants are poisonous to humans or to animals.