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What kind of tree has drooping branches?

What kind of tree has drooping branches?


How can I tell what kind of pine tree I have?

Pine trees can be identified by their needle-like leaves, seed-bearing cones, and reddish-brown or gray bark. Another identifying feature of pine trees is their egg-shaped cones that hang down from branches. Some types of pines can have large woody cones with scales that are long and straight.

How can you tell the difference between white pine and red pine?

White pine has five needles per bundle, while red and jack pines have two needles. All the other native conifers with green needles year around in our region have single or individual needles attaching to the stem. There is also a quick, and usually accurate, check to identify spruce trees.

What is Red Pine Good For?

Economic: Red pine wood is moderately hard and straight grained. It is grown primarily for the production of wood used for poles, lumber, cabin logs, railway ties, post, pulpwood, and fuel. The bark is occasionally used for tanning leather (Sargent 1961). This species is also planted and used as Christmas trees.

What does a red pine tree look like?

Red pines are tall and straight, with reddish brown bark and pale red heartwood (hence the name red pine), and a classic pine tree shape. Red pine needles are long, four- to six-inches long, and arranged in clusters of two.

What is the average lifespan of a red pine tree?

Aboveground description: Red pine is a long-lived (200-400 years), coniferous tree [231,252]. It grows in pure, even-aged stands and uneven-aged mixed stands primarily with eastern white pine, jack pine, and/or quaking aspen [252,258].

What is the life expectancy of a white pine tree?

200 years old

What pine trees are poisonous?

Not all pine varieties are edible, however; the ponderosa pine and several others varieties of pine trees can cause illness and death in cattle and other animals. One evergreen conifer, the yew, contains a toxic substance that is potentially fatal if ingested by humans.

Are any pine needles poisonous?

The needles of some pine trees, such as ponderosa pine, and other evergreens that are not actually pines, such as Norfolk Island pine, may be toxic to humans, livestock and other animals.

What is White Pine worth?

If a 300-foot old growth White Pine was found today it could be worth $30,000 or more. Another way to produce $1,000 Pine trees, is to advance grow White Pine in nurseries designed to accelerate terminal branch growth and self-prune most branches from the young trees as they grow.

Will someone buy my pine trees?

Your best bet would be to look in your local phone book under ‘tree removal’, ‘timber’, ‘lumber’, etc. Depending on the size, health, quality and quantity of the trees, someone may be willing to cut them for sale to a lumber mill or paper mill.

How much is an acre of pine worth?

How Much Money is an Acre of Timber Worth?

Pine Timber Values/Acre
Year Plantation* Natural
2018 $1,694 $1,738
2019 $1,566 $2,055
*Average of all age classes excluding <15 (clearcut)

How much is a load of pine logs worth?

An average trailer load of softwood logs would be around $1,900. Hardwood pulp would be around a thousand. High grade hardwood logs would be much higher….How much is a load of pine logs worth?

Species & Product Recent Range
Hardwood Mat Logs $225.00 to $300.00 per MBF
Misc. Hardwood Pulpwood $8.00 to $20.00 per ton

How much is a ponderosa pine worth?

Case studies show existing pine stands can earn an average of about $100 to $150 per acre per year….How much is a ponderosa pine worth?

Species January 2020 June 2019
Ponderosa Pine $350 (6-7″) – $375 (12″+) $350 (6-7″) – $375 (12″+)
Lodgepole Pine $380-$430 $380-$430
Western White Pine $390-$420 $390-$420
Western Redcedar $700-$800 $700-$850

Can you build with ponderosa pine?

Ponderosa pine works well with woodworking and furniture building. Used for tables, desks, dressers, bookcases, shelves, and much more. Architectural woodwork can include corbels, banisters, and other design elements found in a home with built-ins.