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What is the word for something that breaks easily?

What is the word for something that breaks easily?

easily broken, shattered, or damaged; delicate; brittle; frail: a fragile ceramic container; a very fragile alliance. vulnerably delicate, as in appearance: She has a fragile beauty.

What’s a word for a break?

What is another word for take a break?

break off ease off
relax rest
stop take a breather
take a rest take five
take time out have a break

What is the meaning of brittle in science?

A material is brittle if, when subjected to stress, it fractures with little elastic deformation and without significant plastic deformation. When used in materials science, it is generally applied to materials that fail when there is little or no plastic deformation before failure.

What is another word for hard to break?

hard to break synonym | English Thesaurus adj dyed-in-the-wool, immovable, inflexible, intransigent, reactionary, ultraconservative, uncompromising, unreconstructed (chiefly U.S.)

What is the easiest object to break?

Top 5 Breakable Items

  • Glass. Of course, glass needs to be number one on the list for the most breakable items.
  • Crockery. Have you ever noticed that the plates and bowls in your kitchen reduce in numbers?
  • Electrical Products.
  • Phone Screens.
  • Spectacles.

What shatterproof means?

adjective. designed or made to resist shattering: shatterproof glass in automobile windows.

How do you say I need a break?

catch one’s breath

  1. breathe.
  2. ease off.
  3. mellow out.
  4. recuperate.
  5. relax.
  6. rest.
  7. sit down.
  8. slow down.

What is a short break called?

A short vacation or holiday. a few days away. break. holiday. midweek break.

What is brittle easy?

1a : easily broken, cracked, or snapped brittle clay brittle glass. b : easily disrupted, overthrown, or damaged : frail a brittle friendship. 2a : perishable, mortal. b : transitory, evanescent. 3 : easily hurt or offended : sensitive a brittle personality.

Is brittleness a word?

Easily damaged or disrupted; fragile: a brittle friendship.

What’s a word for not easily broken?

If something is so strong that it is impossible to damage it, you can say that it is indestructible. Titanium is virtually indestructible.

What does Tough break mean?

Also, tough luck. A trying or troublesome circumstance, bad luck, as in He got a tough break when he was denied a raise, or Tough luck for the team last night. This idiom uses tough in the sense of “difficult,” a usage dating from the early 1600s.

What is another word for ” easily broken “?

Here’s a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Adjective. Easily damaged or broken. frail. fragile. delicate. breakable. flimsy. frangible.

Are there any synonyms for the word breakable?

Synonyms for breakable include delicate, fragile, frail, frangible, brittle, crumbly, flimsy, friable, destructible and insubstantial. Find more similar words at

Why are scientific terms broken down into word parts?

That’s exactly why scientists invented the word. Breaking down scientific terms into word parts can help make them easier to understand. Most scientific terms refer to Greek or Latin roots. But that doesn’t mean you have to know Greek and Latin to understand science terminology.

What are some science terms you should know?

A wide variety of new and established terms are discussed, including absolute zero, anaphylaxis, cryptography, echolocation, game theory, Kuiper belt, mitochondrion, Munchausen syndrome, quantum mechanics, and refraction.