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What is the word for not liking anyone?

What is the word for not liking anyone?

distaste, displeasure, enmity, hostility, antipathy, disapproval, dissatisfaction, prejudice, animus, disgust, aversion, animosity, loathing, despise, regret, avoid, disapprove, resent, scorn, detest.

Is Dislikeness a word?

The state or quality of being dislike.

What part of speech is unsafe?


part of speech: adjective
definition 1: dangerous to oneself or other people; not safe. He is an unsafe driver because he drives too fast. antonyms: safe, sound similar words: dangerous

What is a preprint paper?

A preprint is a version of a scientific manuscript posted on a public server prior to formal peer review. As soon as it’s posted, your preprint becomes a permanent part of the scientific record, citable with its own unique DOI.

What word means not safe?

1 at risk, damaged, endangered, imperilled, insecure, jeopardized, put at risk, put in danger, threatened. 2 baneful, dangerous, harmful, hazardous, hurtful, injurious, noxious, pernicious, unsafe.

What is the opposite of unsafe?

Antonyms: invulnerable. Synonyms: serious, insecure, severe, life-threatening, dangerous, grievous, grave.

What is the opposite of unimportance?

What is the opposite of unimportance?

conceit essentiality
weightiness value
worth consequentiality
consequentialness profundity
eminence purpose

What is the opposite of known?

Antonym of Known

Word Antonym
Known Unknown
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What does the prefix UN mean in unsafe?

Usage Note: There are two prefixes spelled un- in English. One has the basic meaning “not” and attaches chiefly to adjectives (unable, unclean, unequal, unripe, unsafe) and participles used as adjectives (unfeeling, unflinching, unfinished, unsaid). Less frequently, it attaches to nouns (unbelief, unconcern, unrest).

Is UN a root word?

You just studied 10 terms! The root un- means not or none. These are vocabulary words stemming from that root.

What is the opposite of UN?

Un is an English prefix meaning not. There are no categorical antonyms for this prefix.