What is the word compensate?

What is the word compensate?

: to provide something good as a balance against something bad or undesirable : to make up for some defect or weakness. : to give money or something else of value to (someone) in return for something (such as work) or as payment for something lost, damaged, etc.

What is the antonym of compensate?

Antonyms of COMPENSATE validate, forfeit, excuse, permit, damage, forgive, destroy, stiff, absolve, acquit, penalize, pardon, injure, break, fine, forget, hurt, slight, pass over, overlook, deprive, support, lose, neglect, approve, worsen, take.

What is the best synonym for collapse?

other words for collapse

  • bankruptcy.
  • catastrophe.
  • crash.
  • debacle.
  • destruction.
  • disintegration.
  • disruption.
  • failure.

Is compassion the same as kindness?

Main Difference Between Kindness and Compassion Kindness is the act of trying to help others who are in need or are in despair whereas compassion is the ability to feel for someone or experience the same amount of suffering the other person is going through and act on it.

What is an act of compassion?

Compassion involves allowing ourselves to be moved by suffering and experiencing the motivation to help alleviate and prevent it. An act of compassion is defined by its helpfulness. Qualities of compassion are patience and wisdom; kindness and perseverance; warmth and resolve.

Why is it important to be compassionate towards others?

Compassion gives us the ability to understand someone else’s situation and the desire to take action to improve their lives. For people who are dependent on others for help and support, compassion is often the most important factor in allowing them to lead fulfilling lives.

Why is kindness an important value?

It allows us to connect with other people and build meaningful relationships. When someone does us a kindness, we feel connected and more willing to cooperate with them. When we do something nice for someone, we cultivate trust, and we feel good about ourselves for being a kind person.

Why is it important to be kind and compassionate?

Research is showing that people who are kind and compassionate are more satisfied with their lives, have better physical and mental health, and have stronger relationships. Being kind and compassionate can help other people, and make you feel good too.

What can you do to continue or uphold a culture of kindness?

4 ways to create a culture of kindness and empathy

  1. Recognize the inspirational power of kindness.
  2. Encourage kind behavior.
  3. Make kindness a prerequisite of leadership.
  4. Practice random acts of kindness.

How do you develop kindness?

8 Effortless Ways to Make Kindness Part of Every Day

  1. Decide to be kind. Each morning, tell yourself that you will focus on being kind.
  2. Increase your awareness. Start noticing kindness; it’s all around you, if you just look for it.
  3. Be appreciative.
  4. Look for opportunities to be kind.
  5. Smile.
  6. Be kind to yourself.
  7. Be kind to the people closest to you.
  8. Keep a kindness journal.

How can I be kind at work?

Random ways to be kind at work

  1. Send flowers, a yummy treat, or a coffee gift card to a teammate on their birthday or work-iversary.
  2. Learn your teammates’ working preferences (and follow them).
  3. If your team has an on-call rotation (or similar), offer to step in for the person who’s been working overtime lately.

How do you develop empathy culture?

How we can Build a Culture of Empathy?

  1. Modeling it is the key to education.
  2. Parents need support, – parenting leave, etc.
  3. Give teachers education on empathy.
  4. Have TV moderators using empathy to bring people together.
  5. More movies and cartoons that model empathic connection.

What is empathetic leadership?

One of those skills, perhaps unexpectedly, is empathy – a vital leadership competency. Empathetic leadership means having the ability to understand the needs of others, and being aware of their feelings and thoughts. Unfortunately, it has long been a soft skill that’s overlooked as a performance indicator.