Helpful tips

What is the use of silicon and germanium?

What is the use of silicon and germanium?

Silicon-germanium is an important material that is used for the fabrication of SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors and strained Si metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) transistors for advanced complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) and BiCMOS (bipolar CMOS) technologies.

Why is Germanium a good semiconductor?

Germanium atoms have one more shell than silicon atoms, but what makes for the interesting semiconductor properties is the fact that both have four electrons in the valence shell. As a consequence, both materials readily constitute themselves as crystal lattices. Substituted atoms alter the electrical properties.

How do you tell if a diamond is chipped?

The best way to think of a diamond’s hardness is like timber. It has lines of strength and lines of weakness. Hit it hard enough on the right angle, and it will splinter all the way to the end of the diamond. While chipped diamonds are very sad to see, I often think of them like plane crashes.

Can you fix a chip in a diamond?

Is There a Way to Repair a Chipped Stone? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Once damaged, a stone cannot be restored to its previous integrity. What’s even worse is that this diamond is now even more likely to break if hit again since its internal structure has already been weakened.

What is a flaw in a diamond called?

Diamond inclusions are characteristics that occur inside the gemstone. They are usually called flaws because their presence means the diamond cannot be graded as internally flawless. Not many of us can afford internally flawless diamonds, so inclusions are to be expected to some degree.

Do diamonds have bubbles in them?

These bubbles are actually inclusions of other minerals that became trapped by the diamond as it grew. These inclusions represent fragments of the rocks in which the diamonds grew, or they can be the products of the same fluids that the diamonds themselves grew from.

How can you tell the quality of a diamond?

How to tell if a diamond is high quality

  1. GIA Certification. The easiest method is to see if the diamond is GIA-Certified.
  2. Carat Weight / Size. Size is the easiest visual indicator and weight can be accomplished with a scale.
  3. Color. The idea with color is diamonds is simply this: we don’t want any.
  4. Cut.
  5. Clarity.