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What is the synonym for instrument?

What is the synonym for instrument?

Some common synonyms of instrument are appliance, implement, tool, and utensil.

What are three synonyms instrument?


  • apparatus.
  • appliance.
  • equipment.
  • gadget.
  • gear.
  • machine.
  • machinery.
  • mechanism.

What is an antonym for instrument?

Antonyms of INSTRUMENT inventor, end, principal, chief, originator.

What is the meaning of instrument?

noun. a mechanical tool or implement, especially one used for delicate or precision work: surgical instruments. a contrivance or apparatus for producing musical sounds: a stringed instrument. a means by which something is effected or done; agency: an instrument of government.

What is the example of instrument?

The definition of instruments are tools or devices used for measurement, scientific or artistic purposes. An example of instruments are scalpels. An example of instruments are drums and guitars.

What are modern musical instruments?

  • Electric guitar. The electric guitar is a string instrument.
  • Keyboard. The electronic piano.
  • Piano. The modern piano has 36 black and 52 white keys, making a total of 88 keys and is played using a keyboard.
  • Guitar.
  • Drums.
  • Violin.
  • Saxophone.
  • Flute.

What are local instruments?

Local instruments produces sound by hitting, shaking, beating, blowing air into it, plucking or by rubbing the instruments. Beating: Drum, talking drum, xylophone, udu (musical pot), gangan. Blowing air: algaita, kakaki, Ogene. Shaking: maracas, rattle, shekere.

What is the biggest musical instrument?

It’s a “Stalacpipe Organ,” and there’s one in Luray Caverns, Virginia that spans three-and-a-half acres — it’s the largest musical instrument in the world.

Which instrument has most strings?

double basses