Helpful tips

What is the rain to snow conversion chart?

What is the rain to snow conversion chart?

Perform the baseline rain-to-snow conversion. The baseline ratio of rain to snow is 1 inch of rain equals 10 inches of snow. For example, to calculate the snowfall equivalent of 3 inches of rain, multiply 3 by 10 to obtain 30 inches of snow as the baseline conversion.

How much water is 12 inches of snow?

An inch of snow falling evenly on 1 acre of ground is equivalent to about 2,715 gallons of water. This figure, however, based upon the “rule-of-thumb” that 10 inches of snow is equal to 1 inch of water, can vary considerably, depending on whether the snow is heavy and wet, or powdery and dry.

What are snow ratios?

In other words, the snow ratio is simply how much liquid would result if you melted the snow. The average snow ratio is 10 to 1 (10 inches of snow for 1 inch of liquid water), which is usually seen with temperatures near 32° or just below.

How does snow turn into rain?

Rain can also begin as ice crystals that collect each other to form large snowflakes. As the falling snow passes through the freezing level into warmer air, the flakes melt and collapse into rain drops.

Is it best to drive in poor weather conditions?

Stay in one lane as much as possible — avoid unnecessary lane changes (don’t go zipping in and out of traffic, passing people, etc.). Keep two hands on the wheel, two eyes on the road, and your mind focused on driving at all times.

What is the best way to offset drowsiness while driving?

TIP #3: Take a Nap If possible, you should take a nap when feeling drowsy or less alert. Naps should last a minimum of 10 minutes, but ideally a nap should last up to 45 minutes. Allow at least 15 minutes after waking to fully recover before starting to drive.

How much longer does it take a truck to stop in bad weather conditions?

Under ideal road and weather conditions, the recommended following distance for small vehicles, such as sedans, minivans and pick-up trucks, is 3 seconds. For medium-sized vehicles, such as 15-passenger vans and small trucks and buses, the recommended following distance is 4-6 seconds.

How fast can you go when passing?

10 mph

When should a slow moving vehicle pull over?

The road is posted with slow-moving vehicle signs. If you are driving a slow-moving vehicle on a two-lane road where it is unsafe to pass and five or more vehicles are in a line behind you, you must pull over and stop to let them pass, if it is safe for you to do so.