Helpful tips

What is the purpose of rpms?

What is the purpose of rpms?

It is an organization-wide process of ensuring that employees focus work efforts towards achieving DepEd vision, mission, values, and strategic priorities. It is also a mechanism to manage, monitor and measure performance, and identify human resource and organizational development needs (DepEd Order No.

What is the cutting speed for mild steel?

Cutting speeds for various materials using a plain high speed steel cutter

Material type Meters per min (MPM) Surface feet per min (SFM)
Steel (tough) 18–50 60–100
Mild Steel 3–38 10–125
Mild Steel (with coolant) 6–7 20–25
Cast Iron (medium) 1–2 6–8

What is the difference between cutting speed and feed rate?

Cutting speed is defined as the speed (usually in feet per minute) of a tool when it is cutting the work. Feed rate is defined as tool’s distance travelled during one spindle revolution. 3. Feed rate and cutting speed determine the rate of material removal, power requirements, and surface finish.

What is unit of depth of cut?

Depth of Cut (DOC): The measurement. (normally in inches or millimeters) of how wide. and deep the tool cuts into the workpiece. Speed, feed and DOC work together to. determine the Metal Removal Rate (MRR).

What are the cutting parameters?

Learn the Basics About Metal Cutting Parameters

  • Material machinability: The machinability of a material decides how easy or difficult it is to cut.
  • Cutting Tool Material:
  • Cutting speed and spindle speed:
  • Depth of cut:
  • Feed rate:
  • Tool geometry:
  • Coolant:
  • Machine/ Spindle Power:

What are the factors affecting tool life?

7 Factors Influencing Tool Life | Metals | Industries |…

  • Factor # 1. Cutting Speed:
  • Factor # 2. Physical Properties of Work Piece:
  • Factor # 3. Area of Cut:
  • Factor # 4. Ratio of Feed to Depth of Cut (f/d):
  • Factor # 5. Shape and Angles of Tools:
  • Factor # 6. Effect of Lubricant:
  • Factor # 7. Nature of Cutting: