Helpful tips

What is the noble gas shorthand notation?

What is the noble gas shorthand notation?

Noble Gas notation, also known as core notation is a shortened version of the format for electron configurations using the noble gas to represent the completed orbitals of the atoms structure. Here are three examples using Iodine (I), Germanium (Ge) and Zirconium (Zr).

What is the noble gas shorthand electron configuration for Y +?

[Kr] 4d1 5s2

Are court reporters in demand?

California is second to none when it comes to the court reporting demand. The Golden State has the unique advantage of housing several metropolitan areas.

Do court reporters work from home?

Many court reporters are independent contractors who work out of their home either independently or through a court reporting agency. Wireless and Internet technologies have made it easy to do these jobs remotely, even if they must “attend” the event they are documenting.

How much do court reporters make per page?

The transcript rate in California ranges between $3.00 and $4.50 a page for ordinary turnaround and $6.00 and $8.50 per page for daily delivery. Six hours of testimony works out to about 250 pages, per the National Court Reporters Association.

What is an advantage of working as a court reporter in a courthouse?

1. It’s interesting. Every day that you work as a court stenographer, you learn something new, gain some information or insight into another reality that you didn’t have yesterday. Court reporting is rarely dull for people who enjoy learning and living life to its fullest!

Is court reporter a good career?

Court reporting offers great flexibility when you work for a firm that supports you, and I did. Coulter Reporting is where I have worked for the majority of my reporting career and where I have been afforded the most ability to grow. I have been offered jobs here and opportunities that I had not gotten before.

How hard is it to be a court reporter?

Courses are self-paced, challenging, and require self- discipline and a high degree of motivation. The curriculum is largely skills-based, and practice builds speed levels required to take the licensing exam, which requires 200 words per minute with a 97.5 percent accuracy rate. Academic homework is also required.

Do court stenographers still exist?

Although today’s court reporters may use a variety of advanced technologies to record written proceedings, stenography still remains the most widely used form, both in and out of the courtroom.