What is the molecular structure of a silicate ion?

What is the molecular structure of a silicate ion?

Silicates is based on the basic chemical unit SiO44-, tetrahedron shaped anionic group. The central silicon ion has a charge of positive four while each oxygen has a charge of negative two (-2) and thus each silicon-oxygen bond is equal to one half (½ ) the total bond energy of oxygen.

What are the six main silicate structures?

Silicate minerals are the most common of Earth’s minerals and include quartz, feldspar, mica, amphibole, pyroxene, and olivine. Silica tetrahedra, made up of silicon and oxygen, form chains, sheets, and frameworks, and bond with other cations to form silicate minerals.

What minerals are Nesosilicates?

Nesosilicates (Island Silicates) Among these are the olivines, garnets, Al2SiO5 minerals, staurolite, and sphene (the latter two will be discussed in the last lecture on accessory minerals).

What are the 5 silicate structures?


  • Ortho silicates (or Nesosilicates)
  • Pyro silicate (or Sorosilicates)
  • Cyclic silicates (or Ring silicates)
  • Chain silicates (or pyroxenes)
  • Double chain silicate (or amphiboles)
  • Sheet or phyllosilicates.
  • Three dimensional (or tecto) silicates.

What is the formula of sodium silicate?


What is the function of sodium silicate?

Liquid sodium silicate reacts under acidic conditions to form a hard glassy gel. This property makes it useful as a bonding agent in cemented products such as concrete and abrasive wheels. It is also an excellent adhesive for glass or porcelain. A traditional use for dissolved water glass is as a preservative for eggs.

Is sodium silicate waterproof?

Sodium silicate has been used to preserve eggs, fireproof fabrics, and waterproof walls.

How does sodium silicate dissolve in water?

Bring purified water to a low simmer (approximately 175 degrees) on an electric stove. Stir sodium silicate powder into hot water with a long-handled metal spoon. Continue stirring until the powder is completely dissolved.

How do you remove silicate?

Granular silica removal is generally accomplished through physical chemical separation. The most common approach is lime softening, which is a process where calcium hydroxide (lime) is added to water to remove hardness.

What happens when silica is not removed from water?

Silica causes etching, scratching, and spotting on glassware and other fixtures. Removal of silica is usually done as a means of preventing wear and damage to equipment. This is because silica can accumulate on surfaces and appear as hard mineral deposits known as scale.

What are benefits of silica?

Silica is an important trace mineral that provides strength and flexibility to the connective tissues of your body — cartilage, tendons, skin, bone, teeth, hair, and blood vessels. Silica is essential in the formation of collagen, the most abundant protein found in your body.